Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 7, 2015

In Florida, there is an ongoing drama involving a father trying to force the mother of his child – they were never married – to mutilate the genitals of their 4-year-old son.
The mother signed an agreement way back in 2011 wherein the boy’s genitals would be mutilated by a doctor, and then she changed her mind, like “well, why should I cut up this baby’s sexual organs?” Now, this many years later, the father is demanding the agreement be enforced, not only against the mother’s will but the desire of the child himself, who wishes to keep his entire penis.
Clearly, the man is acting to punish the woman. They are not Jews or Moslems, and no one seriously believes this gibberish about not getting STDs – not to be vulgar here, but that would only be a relevant thing if you don’t clean your penis after sex; also, assuming this kid is going to be banging AIDS-ridden heroin hookers without condoms is a radical thought-pattern. Though I have to admit there is some drive in human beings to use children against an estranged former lover, it is a sick and evil act this man is engaging in.
Things escalated this week, with the judge in the case – who appears to be a Jew – demanding that the mother surrender the boy for mutilation or by arrested.
“Arrested” mean you are held against your will under the threat of force by the state. Effectively, this woman is being forced at gunpoint to surrender her son for mutilation.
A West Boynton mom is now under court orders to let her 4-year-old son be circumcised, or she will be jailed.
Palm Beach County Circuit Judge Jeffrey Dana Gillen on Friday said Heather Hironimus is in contempt of court for violating a 2012 parenting plan with the boy’s father that authorizes the circumcision, and for recently disappearing with the child.
After dad, Dennis Nebus, of Boca Raton, testified he can’t find his son, the judge told the mom’s just-hired new attorney that she has until 2 p.m. Tuesday to appear in his courtroom with the child or the judge will sign a warrant for her arrest.
Gillen said it was “reprehensible” that Hironimus — who violated an order to appear in court Friday with the child — has kept the boy’s location hidden from the father since Feb. 20, as he was making arrangements with a Broward doctor to remove the child’s foreskin.
“I will allow her to avoid incarceration or get out of jail if she signs the consent to the procedure,” Gillen told attorney Thomas Hunker, who said he doesn’t know where his client is.
The judge also ordered the media not to release the name of the child, and also asked reporters to be “sensitive” about identifying the parents, “Not in deference to me, but in deference to the protection of the individuals involved.”
The boy’s name is Chase. Here is a webpage set up to defend his natural human right to genital integrity, and here is the official Facebook page.
Attorneys for the Sun Sentinel filed an emergency motion seeking to vacate the order as unconstitutional. A different circuit judge, Moses Baker Jr., denied the motion, ruling it did not fit the definition of an emergency because it didn’t involve “matters of life and death or instances of irreparable harm.”
Gillen Friday said Hironimus had willfully violated the parenting plan — which she initially agreed to — that made the father responsible for arranging the circumcision.
The judge also said the mom had worked with the circumcision opposition groups to have her child’s photos and name “plastered all over the Internet” in a “direct, contemptous violation of this court’s orders.”
Looks to me like the normal, natural behavior of a woman trying to do everything to protect the vitality of her child. This is the strongest force on planet earth. She is simply exploiting available resources to fulfill her prime directive, which is the protect of her child from forces trying to hurt him.
In May, Judge Gillen ordered the mother to comply with the signed plan and circumcision, and he warned her not to tell her son she was against the procedure.
Nebus said the mother has frightened the boy.
“My son has mentioned things to me that he’s scared to have his penis cut off,” he testified Friday.
The mother has argued the circumcision is not medically necessary, and she challenged Gillen’s May order in the 4th District Court of Appeal in West Palm Beach. The appellate court upheld Gillen’s decision without comment.
Attorneys for both the mother and father have since filing competing court pleadings requesting that the judge rule in their favor. The mother last month filed a request for an injunction to block the circumcision, which was immediately denied.
“There is no reason this case has to have gone this far, under these circumstances, drawing this much attention to a little boy,” Gillen said Friday. “There is just no reason.”
The reason, Judge, is that this woman wants to protect her child by not mutilating his body in a barbaric and Satanic Jewish blood ritual to honor their sick desert demon-gods. Their is nothing more vile and sickening than state-sanctioned mutilation of children’s genitals, and the only reason we have this in America is that we are a nation occupied and controlled by Jewish rats.

The banning of circumcision is a very worthy cause to fight for. It should be banned entirely in all civilized countries. Campaigning for this indirectly brings light to the dark sickness that is Judaism (and Islam). It is only a backward, perverse people that could ever have thought it was a good idea to purposefully deform the sexual organs of small children.
Obviously, no one agrees with female circumcision – almost always referred to as “female genital mutilation” – and we hear constantly about how bad it is and how we need to spend our tax dollars going to Africa to try and convince the heathens to stop doing it. But somehow, male circumcision – which is never referred to as “male genital mutilation” – is a-okay and dandy fine. There is a subtext here that because the Jewish rats and Moslem monkeys do it, it would be wrong to question it.
It needs to be illegal. If these savages want to cut up their babies’ sex organs, they can go do it in their filthy desert hell. This has nothing to do with us.