Julian Now has No Internet, No Phone and No Visitors Allowed

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 11, 2018

We really should be doing what we can to support this guy.

He’s a political prisoner in a situation where he doesn’t even have a sentence. He has no idea when his time is going to be up.

Also, if he gets forced out of the embassy, and they convict him of some crime, it’s unlikely he’ll be given time served for the time he spent in the embassy.


Julian Assange has been hit with new rules limiting his communications by officials at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. The new measures include bans on using the phone and having visitors, according to WikiLeaks.

The founder of the whistleblowing website has reportedly found himself isolated within the embassy recently. In March, he had his internet access curtailed after taking to Twitter to criticize Britain’s response to the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury, as well as repeated comments about Spain’s dispute with Catalonia. At the time, the Ecuadorian government said Assange had breached a written commitment “not to issue messages that might interfere with other states.”

Speaking with the foreign press Wednesday, Foreign Minister Maria Fernanda Espinosa confirmed that Assange was still being denied internet access while talks between the UK and Ecuador to decide on his fate are still ongoing.

“He still has no access to the Internet and communications. There is a dialogue, there is a will and an interest to move forward in the solution of that matter,” he said, according to El Tiempo.

WikiLeaks claims Assange has been silenced because of pressure from the US. The website also says the description of the measures as a “social media ban” undersells the extent to which he’s being held “incommunicado.”

Julian is basically the most important political dissident on earth… I mean, he’s at least close to my level 🙂

Putin should fly him out by helicopter, since Trump has betrayed him.

Pamela Anderson is trying to get Kanye to help him…


A week after opening up about her relationship with Julian Assange and sharing why she’s concerned about the safety of the controversial WikiLeaks founder, Pamela Anderson is now asking Kanye West to help her “set him free.”

In a letter to the 40-year-old rapper, shared by TMZ Thursday, Anderson started her note by asking West his “thoughts” on Assange.

“Hi Kanye Hope you are well I was wondering about your thoughts on Julian Assange,” wrote the Baywatch star, 50. “I support him and I know you value Free Speech – Visibility is good for him especially in America. Where they are trying to put him away for life or worse for exposing corruption in governments.”

Anderson added that she believes “they are trying to kill [Assange].” “It is Torture,” wrote the actress, sharing that Assange has “been locked in a small room for almost 6 years in London at the Ecuadorian Embassy.”

And if anyone (other than Putin and Trump) can help, it is Kanye.