Juror Declares She Would Not Send a Black Man to Jail After He Killed White Girl

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 5, 2017

Marlon Sewell, Victoria Nicodemus.

Gee, I wonder why a Black female juror wouldn’t give a Black man who killed a White girl a proper trial.

Could it be in group preference and hatred to Whites?

New York Post:

A juror who declared — after the first day of a vehicular manslaughter case — that she would not “send a black man to jail,” caused a mistrial Thursday in the case of an African-American man who crashed his car into a young art curator​, killing her.

A fellow juror said she overheard Juror No. 3 mutter, “I won’t send a black man to jail, that’s crazy,” as she left court after the first day of father-of-six Marlon Sewell’s trial in Brooklyn, which started on Sept. 11.

But Juror 8 didn’t say anything until Thursday — three weeks in and after three full days of deliberations that got so heated because of the biased juror’s obstinateness that she fainted in the jury room a day earlier — because she thought the middle-aged woman would ultimately change her stance and keep a fair and open mind.

Juror 8 — who told reporters that she and another panelist heard the utterance — as well as Juror 3 and Sewell are all black.

“This person was just creating so much conflict in this room,” Juror 8 said after the panel was released. “I couldn’t take it, I fainted. And started trembling and crying.”