Just Being a Nigger is an Act of Peace

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 7, 2018

The Neo-Nazi publication Daily Caller is attacking the former African Occupation Dictator of America for getting yet another peace prize, saying he shouldn’t get it because he was obsessed with starting wars and slaughtering random people.

What these Neo-Nazi haters don’t get is that being a nigger is in itself an act of peace, well worthy of many awards.

Niggers are a race of peace-makers. Sort of like Islam is the religion of peace, nigger is the race of peace.

They all deserve such awards.

We need to start ripping out the gold teeth of white people and melting them down and making peace prizes to hand out to random niggers on the streets of major American cities like Chicago.

Daily Caller:

Former President Barack Obama has received another peace prize.

The former president was named a Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Ripple of Hope laureate Monday. The award honors those who “work toward a more just and peaceful world.” The RFK nonprofit tweeted that it is “honored to present Barack Obama” with the award.

Obama responded that Kennedy was one of his heroes. “Bobby Kennedy was one of my heroes,” Obama said, “He was someone who showed us the power of acting on our ideals, the idea that any of us can be one of the “million different centers of energy and daring” that ultimately combine to change the world for the better.”

Obama will officially be presented with the award by Ethel Kennedy in December at the organization’s annual gala. Obama infamously was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize just months into his presidency. Obama faced criticism for multiple human rights abuses during his tenure as commander in chief. Obama was criticized harshly for pulling U.S. troops out of Iraq and creating a vacuum that was filled by ISIS. He has also been harshly condemned for his embrace of drone warfare. According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Obama killed nearly 1,000 civilians in more than 500 drone strikes during his presidency.

“There were ten times more air strikes in the covert war on terror during President Barack Obama’s presidency than under his predecessor, George W. Bush,” the Bureau report states. “Obama embraced the US drone programme, overseeing more strikes in his first year than Bush carried out during his entire presidency.


Yeah, maybe if he was white, you racists would have an argument.

But whatever Barack Obama did – however many people he murdered recklessly – his existence will forever be a torch of peace, because he is a member of the race of peace: niggers.

Just like Nelson Mandela was a terrorist communist bomber who promoted necklacing, but is a major figure of peace.

It wasn’t his unimaginably violent, barbaric acts that made him a man of peace.

It was being a nigger.

These racists need to wise up.