Just Give the Democrats the Rest of These Kikes and Be Done with It

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 31, 2018

The Democrats yesterday protested Trump’s visit to lay flowers at the site of the Pittsburgh shooting.

Jews have pivoted this shooting not just into “shut down the entire internet until you can figure out how to make it all exactly like CNN,” but also… “dead Jews should mean more brown people invading.”

Seriously, these protesters were demanding that Trump not lay flowers for the dead Jews unless he vowed to embrace the caravan.

The Jews themselves came out with this narrative as soon as Trump said he was going there.

Eleven Pittsburgh Jew groups signed an open letter with the following demands:

  • President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you fully denounce white nationalism.
  • President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you stop targeting and endangering all minorities.
  • President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you cease your assault on immigrants and refugees.

Talk about raping your own narrative – what does this even mean?

All these Jews are openly admitting that they are flooding the country with immigrants – and they’re actually saying that Trump can’t honor dead Jews until he bends to the Jewish agenda to flood America – and using the dead Jews as an argument for that.

At this rate, how much longer can the Jews hold any sway at all over the Republican Party?

There is a divide amongst Jews between ones who want to keep some ability to shape the Trump administration, and some that want all Jews just to line up as an ethnic bloc against the entire GOP. And the latter is winning this argument.

Jay Michaelson, a rabbi, wrote a piece in the Daily Beast hours after the shooting blaming Trump for the event and basically calling every Jew that continues to support Republicans a race traitor.

He went on CNN with Jake Tapper, who amplified the same message.

Speaking of Jake Tapper and ostensibly Republican Jews – check it.

Ben Shapiro checks to see if he’s mentioned on the Daily Stormer every morning and tweets about it, but who was the top reply on Twitter?

I already told you.

Who would have thought that Tapper even followed Shapiro?

Presumably, he doesn’t follow him and was just going around checking the feeds of any Jews who identify as conservatives and hitting them up with sympathies after the entire tribe suffered this terrible tragedy of 11 full geriatric Jews getting shot.

These people are circling the fucking wagons, man.

They’re rallying the tribe to the sound of the sacred Hebrew Horn.

And I want to see them just go.

I want to see Jake Tapper and Jay Michaelson win, I want them to go. Pull the donors. Disappear, and let the GOP win or lose as the WHITE PARTY.

It’s going to happen eventually either way. So it might as well be now.

You see this?