Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 7, 2015

Just as the Ferguson fiasco is admitted to be a complete hoax by Eric Holder, divine providence has sent yet another unarmed teen to get shot by the cops. Unlike Trayvon and Michael Brown, we are certain this time that it was definitely, definitely, definitely because of pure hatred for the color of his skin and not self-defense.
Madison Police Chief Mike Koval says an officer shot and killed a 19-year old black man after a struggle in a home on Williamson St.
A large crowd gather at the scene of the shooting late Friday evening but has since dispersed, with many relocating to the City-County building in downtown Madison, site of the Madison Police Department Central District.
“In light of so much things that have happened not just across the country, but in our own community, it’s understandable that the reaction at the scene and of some of our citizens is extremely volatile, emotional and upsetting. And we understand that. That’s absolutely appropriate under these circumstances,” Chief Koval said. “We would urge, obviously, that everyone exercise restraint, calm and allow the Division of Criminal Investigation(DCI) to conduct their affairs.”
Wisconsin law requires an outside agency investigate officer-involved shooting cases. DCI is in charge of this investigation.
Madison Police are not identifying the victim, but 27 News interviewed his mother, Andrea Irwin, who identified him as Tony Robinson. Irwin says she’s desperate for answers.
“My son has never been a violent person,” Irwin said. “And to die in such a violent, violent way, it baffles me.”
Irwin says she was pleased to see protestors gathering at the scene demanding answers, but says she does not want the violence that occurred in Ferguson.
“I hope not, not to the extent of the vandalism and the crimes that took place and the physical violence, I don’t want that,” Irwin said. “But do I hope that this whole city stands up and turns around and says that this is not ok and we’re not gonna take that? Absolutely.”
Chief Koval said it’s not clear if Robinson had any sort of weapon.
“Initial findings at the scene did not reflect a gun or anything of that nature that would have been used by the subject,” he said.
When asked about the number of shots, Koval said he thinks it’s safe to say there was more than one shot fired.
The officer was knocked down by a blow to the head. He was taken to the hospital, where he was expected to be treated and released.
Koval said the first officer responded around 6:30 p.m. to call of a man dodging in and out of traffic.
“Before we arrived, the call was updated by another complaintant who indicated that this same subject was responsible for a battery,” Koval said.
The chief says the officer went to the apartment he thought the man had gone into, where he thought he heard a disturbance and forced entry to the apartment.
“This same subject then assaulted my officer and in the context of mutual combat, the officer did draw his revolver and subsequently shot the subject,” Koval said
The first officer and others started CPR. The man was taken to the hospital, but died from his injuries.
Chief Koval was asked Friday night if he had a message for those who were gathering at the scene and he said, “It really adds nothing to the fact a young life was lost. In fact, it only exacerbates feelings. And I don’t know that if at the end of the day anyone benefits from anger and resentment when we don’t know all the facts.”
This is as clear-cut a case as I have ever seen in my entire life. Just like Trayvon and Michael Brown, Tony Robinson was murdered by a racist cop simply because of the color of his skin. We need reform, people. We need indictments. We need to release Black criminals from prisons, back onto the streets. We need another Black President, and this time all his cabinet needs to be Black. We need to elect only Blacks to local office. We need a new Black CEO of McDonald’s. We need Blacks working at Google, Mozilla and designing rocket ships for NASA. We need to end this racist war designed to hold down Blacks from achieving their true potential. We need to stop shooting innocent Black children because of the color of their skin.

Seriously Though…
We’re probably not looking at another Trayvon or Michael Brown. This will be more like a Tamir Rice, where it is obvious that the cop was well within his rights to shot the guy, but the media will continue to insinuate that it was a racist conspiracy that is part of a larger plot by Whites to commit a genocide against Blacks.
The Jews who run the media have the goal of stirring up the Blacks. And the Blacks don’t care about any European conception of innocence and guilt, because they don’t process morality the way we do. In their psyche, “justice” is the same thing as revenge. In ye olde Africa, if one tribe killed a member of another tribe, the tribe with the lost man took revenge. They didn’t ask who started the fight, and they didn’t care. It is a completely different conception of morality, based on emotion rather than logical processes.
We’ll see what happens, but right now, I think it’s unlikely there is any ambiguity about what happened. Though there wasn’t ever any ambiguity about what happened with Michael Brown, so who knows – maybe they’ll blow it up like Ferguson.