Justice Department Files Appeal Against Seditious Judge Cuck [UPDATE: Kiked]

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 5, 2017

We have been kiked at least until tomorrow.

Washington Post:

A federal appeals court early Sunday denied an initial bid by the Trump administration to restore its controversial immigration order that had barred refugees and people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States.

A judge in a lower federal court had put a temporary stop to the travel ban. Because the appeals court declined to intervene immediately, affected travelers can enter until at least until Monday. The appeals court set a schedule asking challengers to the ban to file a response by roughly 3 a.m. Eastern on Monday, and the Justice Department — representing the Trump administration — to reply to that by 6 p.m.

A Justice Department spokesman said government lawyers would wait until then to make their next move.

“With the fast briefing schedule the appeals court laid out, we do not plan to ask the Supreme Court for an immediate stay but instead let the appeals process play out,” Peter Carr said.

If we don’t get unkiked by Wednesday, I think it will definitely then be time to declare martial law and start arresting these people trying to destroy our country.

Original article follows.

“I won’t scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea. I will always be with you. Plant your roots in me. I won’t see you end as ashes. You’re all diamonds. We’ll make diamonds from their ashes, take them into battle with us. We are Diamond Dogs.”
―Venom Trump to his Diamond Dogs soldiers

These people are flooding into our home due to whatever idiotic system allows for random judges to override the President of the United States on issues of national security.

I believe it is time to declare martial law.


The U.S. Justice Department filed an appeal late Saturday to restore President Donald Trump’s immigration order barring citizens from seven mainly Muslim countries and temporarily banning refugees, even as travelers raced to enter the country while the ban was lifted.

The government moved to reverse a federal judge’s Friday order that lifted the travel ban and warned the decision posed an immediate harm to the public, thwarted enforcement of an executive order and “second-guesses the president’s national security judgment about the quantum of risk posed by the admission of certain classes of (non-citizens) and the best means of minimizing that risk.”

Friday’s ruling prompted Trump to denounce the “so-called” judge in a series of tweets on Saturday..

The appeal now goes to a three-judge panel which can act at anytime to uphold the order or suspend it pending a full appeal. A Justice Department spokesman declined to comment beyond the filing.

A ruling could come at any time.

Seattle U.S. District Judge James Robart’s decision barred the administration from enforcing the sweeping order that also indefinitely barred Syrian refugee admissions and prompted large protests across the United States.

Protests by Moslems themselves, other non-Americans and stupid whore women.

Look at it. Brown people and women.

These sickening white sluts need to have their filthy mouths shut for them with a closed fist and the rest of these fucking animals need to be rounded up and removed from our country.


The people stand with the President.

This is our home.

Trump, whose personal attack on Robart, decrying his opinion as “ridiculous,” went too far for some who said the president was undermining an institution designed to check the power of the White House and Congress, said he was confident the government would prevail.

“We’ll win. For the safety of the country, we’ll win,” he told reporters in Florida.

We will win.

And our enemies will pay for their insolence.

Robart’s ruling came in a case brought by the state attorney general of Washington state and was backed by major state employers Amazon.com Inc and Expedia Inc.. The lawsuit is one of several now filed against the Trump executive order around the United States, but it was the first case leading to a broad decision that applies nationwide.

The Justice Department appeal criticized Robart’s legal reasoning, saying it violates the separation of powers and steps on the president’s authority as commander chief.

Robart is batshit insane.

This is a known thing. The man is not mentally competent, clearly suffering from some kind of severe emotional/psychological disorder.

The appeal said the state of Washington lacked standing to challenge the order and denied that the order “favors Christians at the expense of Muslims.”

Congress gave the president “the unreviewable authority to suspend the admission of any class” of visitor, the Justice Department wrote.

“Courts are particularly ill-equipped to second-guess the president’s prospective judgment about future risks,” the appeal said, calling the decision “vastly overbroad.”

Washington state lawyers worked around the clock last weekend against the backdrop of turbulent scenes at U.S. airports, where immigrants were detained by federal officials unprepared to implement the president’s directive.

The U.S. State Department and Department of Homeland Security said they were complying with Robart’s order and many visitors are expected to start arriving on Sunday, while the government said it expects to begin admitting refugees again on Monday.

A decision to reinstate Trump’s order could again cause havoc at U.S. airports because some visitors are in transit, as was the case when the order took effect on Jan. 27.

As the ban lifted Friday, refugees and thousands of travelers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen who had been stopped in their tracks last weekend by the executive order scrambled to get flights to quickly enter the United States.

Why are they coming here?

What is their purpose?

Why do they leave their own countries and invade someone elses?

What right do these animals have?





The panel that will decide whether to immediately block the ruling includes three judges appointed by former Republican president George W. Bush and two former Democratic presidents, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama.

U.S. immigration advocacy groups including the American Civil Liberties Union on Saturday in a joint statement urged those with now valid visas from the seven nations “to consider rebooking travel to the United States immediately” because the ruling could be overturned or put on hold.

A U.S. State Department email reviewed by Reuters said the department is working to begin admitting refugees including Syrians as soon as Monday.

This “separation of powers” bullshit isn’t working.

Trump needs to solidify power, and he needs to do it quickly.

I want martial law, but I can see how he would be hesitant to do that so early on.

But we have to protect our homeland. We have to protect our children. We must preserve our nation.

By any means necessary.