Justice Department Suing Ferguson for Arresting Blacks

Stuff Black People Don’t Like
February 11, 2016


Donald J. Trump, a battered, defeated, dejected people, dispirited people long for leadership.

They long for hope.

They long for a restoration of sanity in a world turned over to a people far more ruthless Dr. Zaius.

We live in a world where blacks, free from being judged by the color of their skin or the content of their character, are free to rewrite the rules so that the law no longer restrains them from acting out whatever indulgences they desire.

[Feds sue Ferguson to force compliance, USA Today, 2-10-16]:

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department is suing the city of Ferguson in an attempt to forcibly overhaul the city’s troubled police and court operations, Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Wednesday.

The decision comes hours after city leaders sought to revise a long- negotiated settlement, citing prohibitive costs of executing such a deal.

“There is no cost for constitutional policing,” Lynch said late Wednesday.

“Painstaking negotiations lasted more than 26 weeks as we sought to remedy literally years of systematic deficiencies,” she said of the government’s action, which followed a public announcement last month of a tentative agreement that the attorney general described as “both fair and cost-effective . . . Last night, the City Council rejected the consent decree approved by their own negotiators; their decision leaves us no further choice.”

Lynch said the residents of Ferguson have been waiting “decades for justice,” having endured civil rights breaches that established a pattern and practice of racially biased policing .

“I think the city of Ferguson had a real opportunity to step forward here,” a visibly disappointed attorney general said. “Instead, they have chosen to step in the past.”

Earlier Wednesday, Ferguson Mayor James Knowles signaled that the city was ready to take on the Justice Department in federal court. He defended Ferguson’s unanimous decision to revise the agreement by removing language from the agreement, which local leaders asserted, mandated big raises for police officers. Local leaders also sought to free the city from its obligations under the agreement should Ferguson seek to shutter the police department altogether and enlist another agency to provide public safety services.

“The ball is in their court,” Knowles said at a hastily called news conference in Ferguson. “We’re sitting and waiting to talk. If they want to threaten legal action, then that’s what they’re threatening.”

The threat became reality within hours of the mayor’s appearance when the Justice lawsuit was filed in a Missouri federal court, alleging local law enforcement conduct routinely violated the Constitution.

“The residents of Ferguson have waited nearly a year for their city to adopt an agreement that would protect their rights and keep them safe,” Lynch said. “They have waited nearly a year for their police department to accept rules that would ensure their constitutional rights and that thousands of other police departments follow every day.”

There’s nothing troubling about Ferguson’s police department or court system: what’s troubling is that the now 70 percent black city of Ferguson, Missouri (a 76 percent white city in 1990) won’t be saved by the hilariously inept overture of Starbucks corporate belief in the racial healing/soothing taste their coffee can bring

America has a black crime problem (just as Ferguson has long had a black crime problem), not an inherently racist legal system problem.

Mark my word: 2016 will offer a powerful moment when Trump has the opportunity to forever remove the shackles of white guilt in America with just one powerful speech, by simply pointing out the truth of the previous sentence.

The United States of America might be irredeemable, but that doesn’t a large portion of the population isn’t: they are just in need of liberation from Black-Run America (BRA).