Justice in Jewmerica: Serial Rapist to be Released into CA Community

Daily Stormer
May 23, 2014

Christopher Evans Hubbart, the "Pillowcase Rapist".
Christopher Evans Hubbart, the “Pillowcase Rapist”.

Any sane society would execute a man convicted of a single rape. Here in Jewmerica, we are releasing Christopher Evans Hubbart, who has raped at least 40 women.

From Fox News:

Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Gilbert Brown issued a brief order saying that Christopher Evans Hubbart, 63, must be released by July 7, Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey said in a statement. With several severe restrictions that include 24-hour GPS monitoring, Hubbart will be allowed to rent a small house in a remote area in Lake Los Angeles, near the city of Palmdale.

Hubbart will wear a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week GPS monitor on his ankle and will be accompanied by security people every time he goes out in public for the first six months to a year of his release, Lacey said.  He will be transported to therapy sessions twice a week….

Hubbart has acknowledged raping and assaulting about 40 women between 1971 and 1982, when he was sentenced to 16 years in prison. He was paroled in 1990, but arrested in a new attack just two months later and returned to prison until 1996.

When his term ended, he was deemed a sexually violent predator and confined to a state mental hospital. Doctors at the hospital recently concluded he was fit for release.

Rather than bringing swift retribution upon such an evil man, we are releasing him back into public again, even though he was arrested for rape only two months after being released from his first prison term. But don’t worry folks; he’s receiving the best tax-payer funded therapy available, so we’re sure that he’s worked through his issues.

The only fit end for a rapist.
The only fit end for a rapist.