Justin “Weed lmao” Trudeau Cancels Election Reform, Citing Alt-Right Threat

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 6, 2017

Did you guys ever notice that the Canadian flag is a leaf? Does that seem at all retarded?


Justin Trudeau pledged to reform the Canadian election system to allow more freedom, with smaller parties being able to get representation.

But he’s decided to renege on that promise, citing fears that it will give an opportunity for people he disagrees with to gain political representation.

This is the system known as “democracy.” The people are allowed to elect absolutely anyone they choose to elect. On the one condition that that person agrees with the existing political establishment on absolutely every issue.

Daily Caller:

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau broke a major election campaign promise out of fear of the “alt-right.” In the 2015 federal election campaign, Trudeau pledged it would be the last time the country used the traditional first-past-the-post, winner take all electoral system. Trudeau promised “electoral reform,” with some variant of proportional representation where parties are represented by the exact percentage of the vote they receive.

As CBC reports, according to comments Friday from an unnamed senior cabinet minister close to the prime minister, Trudeau increasingly came to believe that proportional representation would allow for the emergence of right-wing extremists and “white supremacists.”

The government “announced” the end of electoral reform on Wednesday — but not with a news release or statement. It rewrote the mandate for the minister of democratic institutions with a line indicating that “changing the electoral system will not be in your mandate.”

The veiled revelation — as soon as reporters discovered it — sent shock waves through the Parliamentary press gallery as Trudeau had regularly reiterated his commitment to change the electoral system in his first 15 months as prime minister.

In the House, Trudeau said reform might produce “an augmentation of extremist voices in the House.”  Critics of proportional representation often cite the pre-Nazi Weimar Republic as an example of how the system bolsters party extremism.

So there you have it.

That’s how they do you.

Democracy is a complete joke, and has absolutely nothing to do with the will of the people. It has to do with Jews and the mega-rich dictating reality to you, and coercing you into accepting it – with or without your consent.

And here I was thinking Trudeau himself was a White Supremacist.