Juvenile Black Who Raped and Killed His Teacher Foamed at the Mouth While Attacking a Nurse

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
June 29, 2014

Colleen Ritzer’s body was found dumped in the woods outside the school, after the juvenile Black had followed her into a restroom.

The Black demon who raped his White Schoolteacher with a tree branch before stabbing her to death, has now attacked a female nurse at the juvenile prison that he is being held at. Just like a stereotype demon possessed madman from Hollywood, he was foaming at the mouth and screaming while he did it.

He allegedly stabbed her to death with a box cutter after raping her, before running off with her i-phone, credit cards and underwear.

From My Fox Boston:

Court documents say a Massachusetts teenager charged with killing his math teacher appeared to be “psychotic” after he allegedly attacked a female clinician at a Department of Youth Services detention center in Boston earlier this month.

According to the petition to have Philip Chism committed to Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital for 30 days of evaluation and treatment, the 15-year-old was “out of touch with reality” and “yelling, screaming incoherently (and) foaming at the mouth while being restrained by staff.”

The details were released Tuesday by a Superior Court judge in response to a motion by The Salem News.

Chism pleaded not guilty to robbing, raping and killing 24-year-old Danvers High School teacher Colleen Ritzer after following her into a restroom last October. He was 14 at the time.

Now they are trying to say he is mad, exactly as was predicted here at the Daily Stormer.