Kadyrov Blames France for His Own Dude Stabbing-Up France

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 14, 2018

Kadyrov is okay. Sometimes. I respect him for respecting Putin and for killing gays in death camps and so on.

I respect him generally more than I respect the French authorities, who do not have any death camps for gays or any other methods of exterminating the fag menace.

But this is really some inappropriate shit to say.


The Chechen leader says France is responsible for the acts of Hassan Azimov, who was born in the Caucasian republic before moving as a child. Azimov was shot dead after stabbing five people and killing one in Paris on Saturday.

“I think it important to note that the entire responsibility for the fact that Hassan Azimov chose the path of crime lies with the French authorities. He may have been born in Chechnya, but he grew up in French society, where his personality, his opinions and convictions were formed,” Ramzan Kadyrov wrote on his Telegram channel.

Well, bud.

His genetics weren’t formed there.

That’s on you.

“I am sure that if he had spent his childhood and adolescence in Chechnya, Hassan’s fate would have been different,” the Chechen official added.

Sure. Maybe he’d have tried to do terrorism in Russia instead. Of course, that probably would have failed, because the FSB does their job on that front.

Or maybe he would have been one of the thousands of Chechens who went to Syria and Iraq to fight for ISIS, like Abu Omar al-Shishani, who became one of the highest ranking ISIS officials before his death in 2016.

Or who knows.

Maybe if he’d grown up in Chechnya, he’d have ended up a beret-wearing, stripe-shirted, baguette-wielding casa nova riding around Grozny on a bicycle.

Anything could have happened.

Butterfly effect.

But “France turned this ethnic Moslem into a Moslem terrorist” is not a reasonable narrative.

Also just want to note here that one of the planners of the April 2017 St. Petersburg metro bombing was named “Abror Azimov.”

Granted, he was allegedly from Kyrgyzstan – but it’s an interesting coincidence, that two central Asian terrorists happened to have the same last name.

French media has reported that Azimov, born in 1997, grew up in Strasbourg, where his family arrived as refugees, before receiving his French citizenship in 2010.

Azimov was reportedly put on a security watch list in 2016. Kadyrov wrote that French authorities’ reluctance to contain a known suspect “leaves a lot of unanswered questions,” and launched a wider broadside at the educational and social mores in the terrorist’s adopted homeland.

“Western societies believe that they have scaled unprecedented heights of democracy. Parents are prevented from having a hands-on role in bringing up their children, from telling them off, or regulating their behavior,” Kadyrov posted. “In this scenario, the state takes on responsibility for children’s upbringing, which they must accept in this case.”

Okay, well. I obviously agree with that critique.

But it just doesn’t relate to this situation in any way.

It would be a great argument if Azimov had become a homosexualist and OD’d on poppers at a standard fuck party. But the act he committed was not something that French culture produces, it is something that the culture of his home country (or the genetics of his home country) produces. We don’t have ethnic French stabbing people up for Allah. They have a lot of problems – which do indeed stem largely from the issues addressed in Kadyrov’s critique – but stabbing people up for Allah is not one of the problems that they have.

But I can try to give him credit.

Hold on.

He could be saying: “in our country, we know the risk of our young people becoming radicalized, so we use extreme discipline to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

But in fact, as mentioned, it does happen. And ethnic French do not need that kind of discipline to keep it from happening among their own youth.

Plus, I mean, I get that you gotta do damage control, but the French took him in as a refugee because Chechnya couldn’t keep their shit together in the 90s and early 00s. So the only reason he was there was because of Chechen national failure and French good will.

So yeah – I think this is a really shitty response.

Better responses:

  1. “The European far-right is correct, Moslems do not belong in Europe, Chechens should come home,” or
  2. “Fuck you French, you deserve to die, Allah Akbar!”

Obviously, I would prefer the first, but the second is at least honest – unlike this “it’s your fault my dude killed your guys” bit.

But whatever. In general, Kadyrov is one of the better leaders of Moslem countries. He does a relatively good job keeping a very wild people in check. And I’m not really trying to white knight for the French cucks that brought all these murderous Moslems into their country in the first place under the premise of “ehhhhh, it will all work out.”

France is an absurd failed state that doesn’t deserve to be defended.

At least not until they show some sort of willingness to fight back against what has been done to their country.