Kanye West Drops New Track Explaining Support for Trump

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 29, 2018

Kanye West has dropped a new track with TI wherein they argue about his support for Trump, with TI playing the Devil’s Advocate saying that Kanye is embracing white supremacy.

I would not say that it’s a good song. And I’m like, not really against Kanye’s music in general.

But that isn’t the point here.

Fox News:

Kanye West has made headlines again, after he released a new song on Friday which looked to double down on comments he made this week on Twitter in support of Donald Trump’s presidency.

“Ye vs. the People” was first played Friday night on a Los Angeles hip-hop radio station, The Washington Post reported. The lyrics seemed to obviously depict the ongoing twitter battle West, aka “Ye,” has engaged in with his fans and Hollywood, most likely “the People,” since first enthusiastically voicing his support for Trump.

The song illustrates a back-and-forth between the rapper and fellow artist T.I., who attempts to criticize West for his comments “that go against the teachings” that he initially “taught.”

“But ain’t goin’ against the grain everything I fought for,” he rebukes.

West’s opening verse starts with a Trump-Obama comparison: “I know Obama was heaven-sent but ever since Trump won, it proved that I could be president.”

The song also refers to the signed “MAGA” hat the rapper showed on Twitter.

Basically the song is defending himself against all of these kooks attacking him and calling him a race traitor.

Which is a lot of people. Mostly white people and (((white people))) though.

Blacks I don’t think really care. I haven’t seen any prominent blacks coming out and attacking him other than John Legend – and is high yellow John Legend really even black?

He looks Jordanian.

What I can say about the whole situation: it makes me very happy.

There are all kinds of tensions building up between blacks and Jews and Mexicans and homosexuals (and probably Moslems), so it is actually perfectly logical for a group of them to come out and say “yo, this Trump guy actually seems to be more on our side than these Democrats.”

And basically, this is going to signal an entire wave of millions of black people moving to support Trump. Because he is basically the number on black guy in the world. He’s the best selling rapper of all time, and the best selling musician of the new millennium.

He’s an influential guy.

And we’ve got a revolt by blacks against the Jews on the streets, the Jews are responding by upping the pressure, and Kanye is more of a symbol of a current in the black collective unconscious that is like “yo, fuck that – we outta this.”

He has been waiting to take revenge on the Jews ever since they humiliated him by forcing him to apologize.

This is his big move against the kikes.

He reads all this internet shit man. He knows what’s up.

He’s got an album dropping on June 1, and I think it’s going to be his best selling of all time.

He sure did make Eminem look like a faggot, didn’t he?