Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 21, 2015
John Kasich has released a new attack video against Glorious Leader, focusing in on his emerging alliance with Glorious Leader (East). The video is titled “Trump-Putin 2016 – ‘Make Tyranny Great Again.'” The extremely poorly edited video features clips of Putin saying he likes Trump and Trump saying he likes Putin. Then it says their both evil for liking each other.
Who is John Kasich, you ask?
I’m not sure, but apparently he’s just some random guy. The same random guy, in fact, who previously released an anti-Trump video claiming that after Glorious Leader is done with the Mexicans and the Moslems, he’s going to send everyone to death camps.
Trump’s fascist supporters labeled the video “Death Camp Donald,” and said it came across like a viral marketing campaign supporting Trump.
This new attack video was made before interview yesterday with Yorgos Stepapapopolous, wherein Trump defended Putin against the idiot Jewish allegations that he kills journalists and expanded on his praise of Glorious Leader (East).
In an interview with Morning Joe Scarborough, Donald had responded to allegations that Putin kills people by saying “well, the US kills people too.”
Stapapy kept pressing The Donald for information about who the US had killed, even after he factually stated that the entire series of rampages in the Middle East, wherein millions have died, were a result of Jewmerica’s “nation-building” foreign policy. However, when Trump asked Stepapopy if he knew the names of any of the journalists Putin has allegedly killed, he deflected the question.
No one has ever heard of any of these people, and Putin has denied he kills journalists, but they have to say he is bad for some reason and that’s apparently the best they can come up with. “Innocent until proven guilty” is thrown out in favor of “guilty if the Jews say so.” This is known as “The Nuremberg Method” of Jewish law.
Nonsense Anti-Putin Narrative is Failing Entirely
The good news is, right-leaning Americans don’t generally have bad feelings towards Putin and Russia, despite how hard the “right wing” Jew media – including (perhaps especially) Fox News – pushes the narrative that he is evil for whichever reason.
People are just like, “yeah but why tho?”
And the media responds: “well for starters he killed six million journalists. He’s also tyrannical and insane somehow. Maybe also he’s somehow the new Stalin or something or whatever. And did you know he abused Moslems in Chechnya? He also took the freedoms away from the democracy of the Ukraine for some reason. Now he’s attacking our moderate ISIS terrorists.”
Meanwhile, the other Jew media – the left wing of this hook-nosed buzzard – is talking about how evil he is for banning faggots and establishing the church as a state power. Right-leaning people are looking over at the left-wing media talking about how he bans faggots and they’re like “yeah but George Bush wouldn’t ban faggots, he said we just have to accept them preying on our children tho? He wouldn’t even stop the war on Christmas.”

The fact that people do not care about this particular new enemy of the Great Western Jewish Fag-Machine (AKA every NATO country) was evidenced at the height of the alleged crisis in the Ukraine, when only 7% of Americans polled said they thought America should be involved in the Ukraine.
Even though Putin doesn’t really speak English, and the media censors all the sense that he talks – they literally blackout anything he says – people are picking up on the fact he is obviously not an enemy. So Donald Trump has nothing to lose by getting ready for the most glorious alliance.