Kasich Vetoes Abortion Bill

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 14, 2016


John Kasich eats food in public because he thinks it’s edgy.

On the epic podcast I recorded last night with Richard Spencer and Mike Enoch – which is sure to go down in history as one of the most epic of all podcasts – we talked a bit about abortion. It’s not something that gets talked about a lot. There are certainly several angles to be discussed, but whatever your position, it is really difficult to argue that a baby should be killed when it is already significantly developed.

The fact is, however, that there is virtually no one doing this, and it is just a trigger issue. Most women who have abortions are doing it as birth control and do it soon after missing their period.

Still, there is no reason to allow feminists to win this battle, and have it be legal to kill developed babies.

So what is Kasich doing, I wonder?

(Answer below!)

USA Today:

Gov. John Kasich on Tuesday rejected the so-called “heartbeat bill,” breaking with his party to veto legislation that would have given Ohio the strictest abortion ban in the nation.

Kasich did tighten Ohio’s abortion laws by signing a bill that would prevent abortions after 20 weeks’ gestation, when opponents of the procedure say fetuses can feel pain.

It’s not “opponents saying” that. It’s just a fact of biology.

Still, the governor will face backlash from conservative Republicans for killing the bill they say would have prevented thousands of abortions. The measure prohibited the procedure after a fetal heartbeat was detected, as early as six weeks’ gestation.

“Governor Kasich’s political career is over,” said Janet Porter, a northeast Ohio activist who picketed the homes of Republican lawmakers and recruited primary opponents for those who opposed her bill. “We must now focus on those who want a future by voting to override Kasich’s betrayal and give babies with beating hearts a future.”

Still, it seems unlikely that Republican lawmakers will have enough votes to override Kasich’s veto before the new legislative session kicks off January 3.

Even the passage of the heartbeat bill initially came as a surprise. After years of avoiding the bill, many Republican lawmakers, such as Senate President Keith Faber of Celina, were urged by Porter and emboldened by Donald Trump’s recent election to pass the heartbeat bill as an effort to overturn Roe v. Wade. They were counting on new Trump-appointed, conservative U.S. Supreme Court justices to side with them.

Kasich, who refused to endorse Trump’s presidential bid, stopped that effort, the latest in his increasingly common clashes with Republicans closer to home. He also has threatened to reject a freeze of renewable energy standards.

Once I can get (lawmakers) off of some of this crazy stuff they are doing, maybe I can get them to focus on some stuff that is meaningful,” Kasich told business leaders and legislators at a Tuesday meeting before vetoing the heartbeat bill.

In rejecting that ban, Kasich pointed to judicial precedent, saying the legislation was “clearly contrary to the Supreme Court of the United States’ current rulings on abortion.” Ohio Right to Life, Democrats and several Republican lawmakers agreed the heartbeat bill was unconstitutional and would cost Ohio taxpayers money to defend it. Federal courts struck down similar measures in North Dakota and Arkansas.

“The State of Ohio will be the losing party in a lawsuit and, as the losing party, the State of Ohio will be forced to pay hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to cover the legal fees for the pro-choice activists’ lawyers,” Kasich wrote in a veto message.

The answer to what the hell Kasich is doing, you ask?

He’s preparing to switch parties.

I can guarantee that.

I was certain he was going to do it after Donald Trump won – and said as much, that’s on record somewhere, I’m not going to find it right now though – but this confirms it as a certainty. There is no way in hell he would attack the Republican base like this – with an actual veto – unless he was planning to switch sides.

I suppose it’s clever. He probably planned it all along as an exit strategy if Trump won. He’s never been so conservative that it will look especially suspicious or shady to the idiot democrats.