XA Ameriki
May 16, 2014

Golden Dawn’s (Hellenic Dawn) municipal candidate has released his 11 point program that will be implemented in the first 100 days of his administration as Mayor of Athens. They are as follows:
1) Immediate financial audit of all municipalities by independent licensed accountants. An immediate end to corruption and the waste of public money.
2) Zero tolerance for crime and the Mayor’s direct intervention in all outbreaks of lawlessness. All citizen complaints will be recorded by number and investigated in order of seriousness. Pressure will be applied on the central authorities for the elimination of unfair unlicensed vending and other illegal activities.
3) Hard work will be expected from everyone. There will be an end to the waste and privileges enjoyed by trade union bosses and municipal officials. Half of the Mayor’s salary will go directly to social solidarity projects.
4) A reboot in operation to all public services, especially in the areas of cleanliness, recycling, and beautification of public spaces.
5) Immediate eviction of private contractors who hire illegal aliens from the municipality of Athens. Greek workers will be put to work on public works projects approved by the Municipal council.
6) Absolute precedent for Greek citizens of Athens in all municipal services and public benefits provided by the state (nurseries, clinics, etc. ). Unused municipal buildings will be converted into homes for the growing population of homeless.
7) The organization of municipal gyms to encourage residents and especially youth to take part in sports. We will celebrate of popular sports as well ancient Greek pass-times through the organization of competitions under the auspices of the municipality.
8) The renewal of the glorious history of Athens and its multitude of ancient and newer monuments and cultural heritage. We will make sure to protect all sacred sites of Hellenic tradition and cherish them as they deserve to be cherished.
9) A new plan to attract tourist traffic via international publicity for the city. We will also work to open up untapped and quality markets such as Russia.
10) Absolutely no Islamic mosque in Athens. We will support protests against such an idea and fight the decision to build it in the courts. Instead, we will erect a statue of Archbishop Christodoulos.
11) A special network of social grocery stores will be established in 7 districts. Average Athenian citizens will have direct access to independent Greek producers while cutting out the cost of the middleman.
Mr. Kasidiaris ended his presentation with the following quote:
“Athens is in need of young people with clean hands. The average age of our candidates is 35 years old. We are young scientists, professionals, athletes, police officers, we are people active in every sector of social life. We bring a brand new impetus to the nation’s politics, and our expressions are a definitive break from the corrupt past. I don’t wish to lounge around in the office, I prefer to give my presence wherever there is movement and action, wherever there is work to be done, wherever beats the heart of the city. My promises require the people’s help to come true, but I do not ask for anything from Athenian citizens that is for myself. I call the people only to join me in common struggle to rebuild the Hellenic capital -Athens.”
Elias Kasidiaris – Candidate for Mayor of Athens