Kathy Griffin Says Trump’s Family “Ruined Her Life” Over Beheading Photo

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 3, 2017

This is a very, very, very important thing for you to understand, men.


If you ever wish to have a successful relationship with any woman in your life – including family members – you must understand that fact.

It is not a decision they are making. It is an intrinsic fact of their biology.

Kathy Griffin gave a press conference yesterday with her Jew lawyer claiming Trump’s family was to blame for her posting the beheading video.

Fox News:

Kathy Griffin broke down in tears during a news conference the comedian and her lawyers held Friday to discuss the fallout from the comedian posing with a likeness of President Donald Trump’s severed head.

Griffin addressed the backlash that followed the photo being published on Tuesday, telling reporters her career is over after she says the Trump family systematically “mobilized their armies” against her.

“I’m going to be honest,” she said through tears. “He broke me, he broke me, he broke me.”

This is the first time Griffin has spoken out since she was relieved of her duties Wednesday as CNN’s New Year’s Eve host. When asked by a reporter if she has heard from her New Year’s Eve co-host Anderson Cooper, she shook her head while holding back tears.

“It’s hurtful to me,” Griffin said. “There’s a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me and I’m just here to say that it’s wrong.”

She did not mention being dumped as Squatty Potty’s celebrity spokesperson.

I can’t believe a Fox New journalist was able to slip that brilliant pun by editing.


If whoever wrote that wants a job, hit me up. I probably pay better than Fox.

For the record – and you can freak out and call me names or whatever you want to do – but I support squatty potties. It is simply healthier. This is a scientific fact.

But no, Squatty Potty, do not approach me. I do support this concept, but no way in hell am I being a spokesman for it.

Also, if you’ve got any kind of balance, you don’t need a special device for this. You just put the seat up and put your feet on the rim.

Try it for a week, and you will feel cleaner and less bloated.

This is not a troll.

Griffin, 56, said she stands by the apology she issued hours after the photo first broke Tuesday saying she “feel[s] horrible” people took the photo as a threat of violence. She said she plans to continue to make fun of the president as is her First Amendment right, her lawyer, civil rights attorney Lisa Bloom reiterated at Friday’s press conference.

“I made a horrible, horrible call,” she said. “Trust me, if I could redo the whole thing I’d have a blow up doll and no ketchup.”

She also repeated her claim that the video was a parody, meant as a pointed comeback to Trump’s remark last summer that journalist Megyn Kelly had “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of wherever.”

The comedian confirmed she has been contacted by the Secret Service and said she fears being arrested.

Chuck Johnson says she’s lying about that. I’m not sure of the details.


The thing here is… this didn’t ruin her life.

She has never been this famous.

I doubt that she actually planned this. She might have. She certainly might as well have.

She is going to use this situation to maneuver herself into the position of a feminist icon.

Lisa Bloom knows what’s up.

Jews are so good at this stuff.

This is all so slick. I wish Nazis had these skills.

I actually sort of do. And I’m developing them.

You guys know I’m only 32, right?

Anyway, no one listens to me.

Despite the fact that I’ve created the number one pro-White publication in the history of the world, older people in this movement act like I don’t have any idea what I’m talking about.


I must know something, huh?

Nah, I exaggerate.

I’ve been getting along very well with most of the top figures in WN these days. I’ve been making a real effort that…. maybe I wasn’t making enough of before.

I think even some of the older guys are starting to get it.

Duke was 100 pretty much from day one, but I think it’s because we have similar senses of humor, and he’s studied the principles of propaganda.

We have to do what the Jews did to us to them. We don’t have any choice.

This is why I recommend, probably more than any other book, Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.