Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 19, 2015

Arizona State University is feeling the pressure over their White-hate hate course entitled “The Problem of Whiteness.” And we need to keep the pressure on. As always, these spectacles are extremely beneficial to our cause, and the National Youth Front is keeping the spectacle hot.
Of course, the Jew media is framing in terms of “threats,” while it is obvious no such thing is happening, again making them look like fanatical defenders of open hatred of White people.

In fact, it is the anti-Whites themselves that are making the threats.
Here’s a statement from the NYF’s Supreme Commander John Gage.
Here is the contact information for the President of ASU.
Here is the contact for Lee Bebout, the Professor of hate.
And here is the contact for Robert Poe, the edge-master Anarchist who called for violence against us.