Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 18, 2017
The Jews are in mourning after the death of the dirty whore who got abortion recognized as a Constitutional right.
Norma McCorvey, the anonymous plaintiff in Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion in the United States, reshaping the nation’s social and political landscapes and inflaming one of the most divisive controversies of the past half-century, died on Saturday in Katy, Tex. She was 69.
Ms. McCorvey died of heart failure in an assisted-living home, said Joshua Prager, a New York journalist who has written about her for Vanity Fair and is working on a book about the Roe v. Wade decision.
Since the ruling, perhaps 50 million legal abortions have been performed in the United States, although later court decisions and new state and federal laws have imposed restrictions, and abortions have declined with the wide use of contraceptives. Theological, ethical and legal debates about abortion continue in religious circles, governing bodies and political campaigns, and they have influenced elections, legislation and the lives of ordinary people through films, books, periodicals, the internet and other forums.
At the heart of it all, Ms. McCorvey — known as Jane Roe in the court papers — became an almost mythological figure to millions of Americans, more a symbol of what they believed in than who she was — a young Dallas woman lifted by chance into a national spotlight she never sought and tried for years to avoid, then pulled by the forces of politics to one side of the abortion conflict, then by religion to the other.
This slut’s death is a Kekian Omen of what is to come.
Abortion shall be banned on the order of the GOD EMPEROR.
Just to be fair here – although I don’t think McCorvey should be forgiven, she did become a Christian and lobbied against abortion. She seems to have felt genuine guilt – but I want to emphasize the word “seems,” as women are biologically incapable of feeling guilt. What she actually felt was shame at having been the public face of a movement to kill infants on a mass scale, which is a pretty disgusting thing to be.
I have to say though: she did a great service. After having worked in abortion clinics when she was the icon of baby-killing – she was also a practicing lesbian at the time – she came out and described the scene at these places as utterly debauched, with people snorting coke and using other drugs just to deal with the satanic ritual center they worked in.
Abortion: The Answer is “No”
I know the abortion thing is a tricky issue among pro-whites, as a large percentage of abortions are done against non-white babies.
I of course think non-white babies should be aborted. However, the issue is more complicated than simple math. Basically, abortion – combined with the system of family courts – forms the foundation of feminism. If this bitch knows she can’t kill the baby, and the daddy isn’t going to be forced to pay for it, then she’s going to guard her loins a little bit more closely. And by “a little bit,” I mean a lot.
If abortion and family courts were banned, a woman would not be able to simply sleep with the alpha male for fun and pleasure and refuse to marry because she can’t land him. She would instead revert to her natural state of circumstance-forced monogamy.
Basically, feminism is the key to the entire Jewish agenda. I have outlined this in great detail on this website, but to sum it up in a sentence: by “empowering” women to “make their own decisions,” Jews turned 50% of the white population into a bettering ram to be used against the other 50% of the white population.
They have destroyed the family, which has destroyed all social cohesion.
If we shut down these sluts, and forced them to enforce monogamy, they would be thinking about what is best for their children and for the future more generally, and they would want the non-whites out. The only reason men support non-whites being in the country in the first place is that they have adopted feminine values in response to having been force-integrated with women in public life – that forced integration was only possible when women seized control over reproduction.
In short: an end to feminism means an end to feminized society which means an end to multiculturalism.
This is much, much, much more important than an abortion statistic that shows non-whites have more abortions than whites.
We have to stop these sluts.