Ken Bone’s Son Suspended From School for Going to a Gun Range

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 27, 2018

So, the Jewish plan was to make guns the new racist neo-Nazi white supremacy.

Because people had been so long brainwashed against evil racism, they really were able to make it into this thing that was just pure evil – that any white person who believe he had a right to exist was effectively some kind of satanic monster. That did work for them.

But then trying the same thing on guns has turned out to be weird and unworkable.

A few days ago, a Parkland student was called into a school administrative office and questioned by the school and the local cops over photos he posted of himself at a gun range with his dad.

He went on Tucker and talked about it.

So then Ken Bone – who became an internet meme (internet sensation?) after asking a question at the second presidential debate, posted a picture of him with his own son at a firing range on twitter, mocking the situation.

His son was wearing the official Fallout 4 Sole Survivor hoodie. And he isn’t black, despite the fact that it sort of looks like he is in that picture (you can see his hand is white).

He said “maybe those guys want to talk to him” referring apparently to the people who harassed the Parkland student.

Those particular guys maybe did want to talk to him, but instead some other guys did – and he was suspended from school.

And the police are going to investigate him…!

This is friggin nuts.

They’re doing the same thing they did to “Nazis” with guns.

I mean, you know how they’re always like “police are investigating these fliers which said bad things about Jews” and we’re always like “wtf are they investigating? It isn’t illegal to hate Jews.”

“Racism” was the first thing they treated as though it was illegal, even though it isn’t, and now they’re doing that to guns.

It’s a weird thing to watch.

It isn’t going over well.

People really, really hate David Hogg. People hate all of this panic about guns. But they’re just pushing forward with it, apparently not worried about any kind of backlash. Because of course, in the situation of racism, there weren’t enough of us for there to be a backlash.

However, the fact that every gun control advocate is Jewish is certainly raising a few eyelids.