Kentucky: Good Boy Shot by White Female Cop for No Reason

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 4, 2017


The bitch wanted to be a man. So I guess now she’s going to get treated like one by the social justice industrial complex.


Police officer body camera footage shows a cop shot an unarmed man inside an abandoned house in Louisville, Kentucky immediately after demanding the man show his hands. Family and activists say the man posed no threat.

The Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) released video footage Thursday of the shooting incident that occurred one day prior. Officer Sarah Stumler was among three officers searching an abandoned house following a report of drug use inside. There, Stumler found Bruce Warrick, 39, hiding from the officers behind a box spring.

Once Stumler noticed Warrick, she yelled, “Show your hands,” then immediately fired at him before he had a chance to follow her directions, the footage indicates. Stumler is heard saying, “Shit,” after striking Warrick, later telling him, “You’re okay, just hold on,” as they waited for an ambulance.

No weapon was found on Warrick or in the rest of the house, LMPD Chief Steve Conrad said, according to the Courier-Journal.

Warrick remains in critical condition at University of Louisville Hospital, the Courier-Journal reported. Sections of his pancreas and intestines were removed during surgery on Thursday, according to Christopher 2X, an activist and spokesman for Warrick’s mother and grandmother.

“He’s in very, very serious condition,” 2X said, according to the Courier-Journal, adding that Warrick’s family disputes that the man posed a threat to the officers. A cousin of Warrick and 2X viewed the body camera footage on Thursday, 2X said.

LMPD investigators with the Internal Professional Standards Unit have begun a probe into the incident and whether the department’s use-of-force policy was violated. LMPD officers are allowed to use deadly force when acting in self defense or in defense of another who the officer believes is immediately threatened with death or serious injury.

Stumler has been a Louisville cop since February 2009. She has been placed on administrative leave and will remained suspended until the investigation is conclusive.

The most shocking part of the story is that he was a good boy who was trying to get his life back on track.

Standing behind that box spring, he was studying for the Yale entrance exam.


Maybe women shouldn’t be cops, maybe blacks shouldn’t be in America, maybe no one should be surprised when none of this works out the way they told us it would.