Kentucky School to Allow Tranny Students to Use Bathroom of Choice

Daily Stormer
May 23, 2014

A taste of the future.
A taste of the future.

This is just the latest example of a quickly spreading trend. Don’t think that in a few years time, there won’t be “transgender” students in nearly all public and private schools.

The Jews who are destroying our society have absolutely no shame. They will encourage mental illness in extremely confused children and violate the privacy of young girls, all in the name of destroying sexual “oppression”.

From Christian News Network:

Following a request from a ‘transgender’ student, a Kentucky high school has approved a new non-discrimination policy which will give male students access to girls’ restrooms, and vice versa, as long as students identify with the opposite sex.

Last month, a freshman student at Atherton High School in Louisville, Kentucky, asked the school’s principal if he could use the girls’ restroom and locker room. The student claimed to be transgender and said he identified as a girl, even though he reportedly has a girlfriend.

According to reports, the high school’s principal, Thomas Aberli, granted the student’s request. This decision prompted complaints from several parents and students who were concerned about a male student using the girls’ facilities.

In spite of the complaints, Aberli defended his decision, saying “everyone deserves to be treated with respect.”

“I have a responsibility to ensure that all of our students and staff are treated fairly and justly,” Aberli told The Courier-Journal last week. “At the same time, I also have a responsibility to educate our community on an issue that many are not familiar with and inform them about the rights of transgender individuals.”

Other individuals in the Louisville area criticized the principal’s decision. Clint Elliott, a Louisville attorney, said parents are concerned about the situation.

“Imagine this scenario—a transgender student, a biological boy who decides that he wants to identify with the female gender, and yet he acknowledges that he has a girlfriend and is sexually attracted to girls,” Elliott said, as reported by The Courier-Journal. “Are parents supposed to be okay with allowing such boys to use the girls’ restroom and locker room facilities?”