Kenyan President Says Germany Wants to Import 250,000 Kenyans

The German government is claiming that the Kenyan president is lying about this deal.

Does that make sense?


The German media was abuzz throughout the weekend about the news that 250,000 Kenyans were headed to Germany to work as skilled or semi-skilled workers. With Brandenburg state elections a week away, and with immigration the number one topic as voters head to the polls, the news arguably could not have come at a worse time for the far-left government.

Now, there are panic denials coming from the government, with the interior ministry contradicting the claims. Kenyan President William Ruto was the one who first broke the news, telling Deutsche Welle that he had signed an agreement with Germany that would allow Germany to return illegal immigrants, and in exchange, Kenya would send skilled labor as migrants.

Germany doesn’t have to make a deal to return illegal immigrants to Kenya.

Germany is a powerful country, and they have the ability to simply tell Kenya they will be returning their immigrants.

The primary issue for the far-left government is that the majority of Germans are opposed to further non-EU immigration.

The German interior ministry released a statement on X about the Kenyan agreement, stating: “This news is false. The migration agreement between Germany and Kenya does not contain any numbers or quotas of skilled workers from Kenya who could work in Germany. All applicants must meet the criteria of the Skilled Immigration Act.”

What are they going to be skilled at?

Rape and murder? 

If they actually have useful skills, why would the Kenyan government be so excited about sending them to Germany?

The original agreement did not put forth a specific number, with Chancellor Olaf Scholz simply stating it was a “win-win situation.” However, Ruto, in an interview with Deutsche Welle, shocked Germany with a figure of 250,000, which took to social media like a wave. Despite the denial, the news could further harm the government’s standing in the run-up to regional elections.

Since then, the figure of 250,000 has been deleted from the Deutsche Welle X channel, in what looks like an attempt at damage control. However, the figure is still available on their website.

The Kenyan government has not responded to the German government’s denial that 250,000 Kenyan migrants would be headed to Germany.

Currently, there are 15,000 Kenyans in Germany, and 818 are required to leave, according to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. In total, there are around 300,000 foreigners in Germany who are required to leave the country.

That’s a drop in the bucket.

But anyone would prefer 15,000 criminal Kenyans to 250,000 Kenyans that the Kenyan government (or the German ZOG) has designated as “skilled.”

As a basic rule, everyone in the world wants as few niggers as possible inside of their country. Single white women love niggers, but their voices are being shouted down by normal people who simply cannot take this endless flood of niggers.