Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 20, 2015

America is run by spineless homos such as John Kerry.
As soon as Putin steps in and is like “hey guys, what’ve we got going on here then?” they scurry like rats.
Secretary of State John Kerry said Saturday that the United States is willing to negotiate the conditions and timing for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down from power, and urged Russia to convince him to negotiate his exit.
But wait he’s the ruler of the country though?
Why is he supposed to step down again?
Didn’t that whole “he’s gassing his people” story get memory-holed already, since it was proved to be a hoax?
Kerry, who is in London before flying to Germany to discuss the refugee crisis engulfing Europe, called for a renewed diplomatic effort to resolve the conflict in Syria, which he said was as urgent a need as fighting Islamic State militants.
Again, “we’re fighting both sides of the war.”
Maybe all that plastic surgery made him incapable of blushing?
“We’re prepared to negotiate,” Kerry said at a news conference with British Foreign Minister Philip Hammond. “Is Assad prepared to negotiate? Really negotiate? Is Russia prepared to bring him to the table and actually find the solution to this violence?
It doesn’t matter what you’re willing to do.
Putin doesn’t care. He’s going to do what he’s going to do, and you’re going to take it, as you have been.
Why even keep talking about it? It just makes you look pathetic. Like when you fell off that bicycle, but worse.
“We’ve made it very clear, we’re not being doctrinaire about the specific date or time,” he added. “We’re open. But right now, Assad has refused to have a serious discussion, and Russia has refused to help bring him to the table in order to do that. So that’s why we’re where we are.”
Kerry declared that “Assad has to go,” but said there was some flexibility in the “modality” and timing of his departure.
“We’ve said for some period of time it doesn’t have to be done on day one, or month one, or whatever,” he said.
“Or whatever” being the key phrase there.
Do you feel in charge, Mr. Kerry?