Kerry Praises Barbaric Saudi Regime as ‘Important Ally’

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 4, 2013

Typical scene in Saudi Arabia.
Typical scene in Saudi Arabia.
One again bringing into question his purported belief that anyone who doesn’t respect democracy must have their entire country bombed and hundreds of thousands of their citizens slaughtered, Jew John Kerry has come out in open praise of the barbaric, stone age Islamic dictatorship of Saudi Arabia, where thieves are routinely lashed, rape victims are stoned to death and women are not allowed to drive.

Last year, Saudi Arabia executed a man for ‘sorcery.’ The Obama regime gave no comment. And yet if Putin says gays can be fined or imprisoned if they proselytize to children, Obama goes on the warpath on Jay Leno and countless other media outlets, condemning him as evil.

It almost seems as though democracy and human rights and women’s rights and homo rights and blah blah blah whatever don’t really matter at all to these people, and that they are only actually concerned about what is good for the Jews.

And it seems that a strong alliance with the stone age barbarians of Saudi Arabia is very important to the Jews.

From Reuters:

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry praised Saudi Arabia as a “very, very important” ally on Monday as he visited the Gulf Kingdom on a mission to soothe strains in the relationship over U.S. policy on Iran, Syria and the Palestinian issue.

Kerry, who is touring the region, met the Saudi foreign minister on Monday morning and was due to have talks with King Abdullah later.

“We have very important things to talk about to make sure the Saudi-U.S. relationship is on track, rolling forward and doing things that we need to accomplish,” Kerry said in remarks to U.S. Embassy staff.

Washington’s relationship with the Saudis was crucial as the region faced changes and challenges from the transition in Egypt to civil war in Syria.

“The Saudis are very, very important to all of us. The Saudis are really the senior player in the Arab world together with Egypt,” he said.