Kevin MacDonald Interview with UKIP’s Jack Sen, Part 1

Kevin MacDonald
Occidental Observer
May 10, 2015

Jack Sen
Jack Sen

Jack Sen ran for a seat in Parliament representing West Lancashire. Until less than a week before the election, he was running under the banner of UKIP, but he was suspended from UKIP for an interview he gave a South African organization, the European Knights Project, posted on April 12, and for tweets received by Luciana Berger, a Jewish woman who is a Labour MP.  He has kindly agreed to respond to written questions. 


UKIP is obviously struggling to not be seen as “racist” in order to be acceptable to the establishment and to White voters who fear and loathe multicultural UK but are unwilling to vote for a party labeled “racist” in the media. Is there a disconnect between White voters likely to vote for UKIP and the UKIP leadership?

Firstly, I’d like to sincerely thank you for giving me an opportunity to speak to your audience. You do very important work.

There is definitely an enormous disconnect between people on the ground — parliamentary candidates like myself and unpaid volunteers that support us with our campaigns — and the people running the party.

There’s no denying that the vast majority of the noble people supporting our efforts are salt of the earth, red blooded Englishmen that want real change and to see a return to the Britain we all knew and loved. That’s evident from the sorts of conversations I’ve had at local meetings and convention dinners. The average UKIP supporter recognises the catastrophic damage Cultural Marxism has had on our homeland and supports us — even offers up his time and money — in the hope we (UKIP) can make a difference. They might not recognise the Jewish element to Cultural Marxism, however they certainly recognise the impact liberalism has had on our society. From the intentional breakdown of the traditional family, to the pushing of alternative lifestyle choices on our youth, Leftists like Ed Miliband have reshaped British society from the council estates to the countryside.

Much like the Labour Party, UKIP relies upon societal discord to peddle its policies and candidates. Although people on the ground, with a genuine love of country, are buying into the ‘Take Back Britain’ message UKIP is peddling, I am not convinced the people running the party care one bit about this country.

If UKIP were to come to power, they’d push a domestic agenda similar to Margaret Thatcher’s, highlighted by deregulation, privatisation, crony capitalism, and the implementation of policies that for all intents and purposes prey upon the disenfranchised, albeit nostalgically portrayed working man. I recognized that quite early on and it’s part of why I started to have issues with the party.

UKIP’s intentions to privatize the National Health Service, frack our beloved English countryside, sell us out to their cronies in the City (equivalent of Wall Street), cut taxes for the wealthiest Britons, kill ‘mansion’ and inheritance taxes while reducing public sector expenditure, never sat right with me. This is even before I recognised how cosy with Jewish organisations UKIP were.

I suppose a fair comparison would be to your Republican party, who appeal to working class Whites to get elected but systematically oppose their interests once in office.

I merely think of Ted Cruz — a man that I believe is being groomed to be the Republican Party’s presidential candidate by Jewish special interest groups. This is the sort of scoundrel that would do well in UKIP. His slightly ethnic face, nationalistic façade, and, most of all, his big business pedigree would propel him to the top in my party was well.

Where the Republican party and UKIP differ is on foreign policy. There is certainly a perversion of patriotism and true ethno-nationalist sentiment in both parties, but UKIP still has a more isolationist foreign policy than your Republican party, which appears to rely on Jingoism and the demonisation of the Islamic world to push its Zionist agenda. From what I know about American politics, and how Jewish special interest groups have infiltrated a Republican Party once highly distrusting of Jews, I’m concerned that it won’t be long until we see the same sort of agenda in UKIP. Someone like Paul Nuttall — UKIP’s second in command — would sell his soul for much less than what the Zionist lobby handed the Reagan Administration.

With Jewish-owned newspapers like the Daily Express already cosying up to UKIP, I think it is only a matter of time before we see the same sort of impact this side of the pond as well.

There are many White voters who fear and loathe multiculturalism because they realize that these policies are against their interest. They are afraid to explicitly identify as a White person who has interests as a White person because of media pressure and other types of social pressure, such as loss of job. We call such people implicitly, but not explicitly, White. Do you think it’s fair that Jews, Muslims, and other minorities are free to organize and attempt to explicitly advocate their interests while explicit mentions of the interests of the traditional people of the UK are banned from the mainstream media?

Not only is it unfair that indigenous English people can not fight for their interests; I say English as it’s become perfectly acceptable for Scots to fight for theirs north of the border, it’s downright destructive.

I recall the former leader of the British National Party (BNP), Nick Griffin, being invited on BBC’s Question Time simply so the Leftist audience and the program’s Leftist and non-white pundits could have a go at him. During the hour-long program, Griffin referred to the indigenous English population’s interests. As soon as he uttered the term indigenous the audience attacked.

Griffin asked the predominantly White pathologically liberal audience why they didn’t think that White English people should have their rights protected and interests served, and what was wrong with referring to English people like my mother, as indigenous. He was heckled, shouted down and made to feel truly unwelcome. It was quite upsetting to be honest with you.

The shouts of racism and anti-Semitism from the predominantly White upper-middle-class audience, were quite alarming. His suggestion that it was unfair that there were no organisations representing indigenous English interests was met with extreme hostility, in spite of the fact that he was right. Although I don’t agree with all of Griffin’s views, I certainly feel that the indigenous population that have inhabited the British Isles for thousands of years are being sold out, need a voice and their rights protected.

Sadly, UKIP, regardless of what we’d like to believe, does not offer that voice. In fact it is also why UKIP explicitly bans any contact with the BNP and any other ‘nationalist groups’.

When you enter the party you have to state for the record that you’ve never been a member of the BNP. You are then grilled quite hard about your past political involvement when you go for your parliamentary candidate assessment. Prospective members of Parliament like myself would be immediately banned from the party if it was discovered we attended BNP meetings in our youth.

Although UKIP claims that this is due to the stigma attached to the BNP I am not convinced. I personally don’t think UKIP cares about ethnic interests. From the sorts of chaps I see at the events and drivel emanating form their mouths, it’s quite apparent that UKIP’s agenda starts and ends with big business.

Politicians must necessarily be concerned about winning elections, not necessarily saying what they really think. A recent survey found that 25% of British adults would like all immigrants repatriated.  Do you believe that even though UKIP leaders have moderated their tone on many issues (e.g., advocating a points-based immigration system rather than one that explicitly favors the interests of the traditional people of the UK), that their true opinions are more radical and that in power they would in fact attempt to put into place policies that would favor the interests of the traditional people of the UK?

People on the ground are certainly quite hard line on immigration. It is in fact the reason why UKIP has seen such a massive increase in popularity. In my constituency, and in the north of England generally, there are areas that are 100% Muslim, others that are predominantly Polish, and the average Brit feels marginalised and a stranger in his homeland.

A few months back, one of my constituents in fact walked into a housing estate that had been taken over by immigrants from an Eastern bloc nation and literally started hacking random strangers with a katana sword. His reason? He was tired of seeing foreign flags hanging out the windows of the former English estate, and listening to people shouting in a foreign tongue in town. Those were in fact the reasons he gave the magistrate if I recall correctly.

And it’s far worse in areas where Muslims have taken over. Islamic immigrants from the Middle East and Pakistan have no desire whatsoever to assimilate, and have all but teamed up with the Labour party to destroy Britain from within. Many of my supporters are cognisant of the fact that I am staunchly anti-mass immigration and have pledged their support for my candidacy due to my hardline approach.

Although I would say that the average UKIP supporter would love to see unruly, ungrateful, and unassimilable members of our immigrant population repatriated, the same can not be said for party leaders I’ve had conversations with. In fact I regularly received complaints from HQ that my local UKIP West Lancs website was too focused on immigration and critical of foreign-born people. I was even accused of anti-Semitism from a prospective member of Parliament because I dared ask if we’d be permitted to live in Israel or Saudi Arabia if we chose not to abide by their nation’s laws. Quite remarkably I was asked to remove ‘Israel’ from that sentence as it was ‘anti-Semitic’. Although at the time I thought nothing of the exchange, I now realise it was a sign of what would ultimately define my candidacy.

With that said, UKIP is still more critical of our immigrant newcomers than all the other political parties; just for the wrong reasons.

I recently wrote an article arguing that in some parts of the U.S. it would be a good tactic for a candidate to be explicit about White interests. Do you think that might be possible now or in the near future in the UK? That is, could a candidate talk explicitly about the costs and dangers to White Britain and still be elected in certain districts?

Although it certainly seems logical, that’s not on the cards at the moment in this country. One need only look at the fall of the BNP to know that although some elements of Britain’s population do think in this manner, English law all but prohibits race-based discussions taking place on a political level — unless you’re a minority, of course. The BNP, the sort of party that would advocate repatriation, was literally wiped out at the polls, receiving a measly 1,667 votes in all 650 constituencies at the general election. That was down 99.7% from 2010.

Unlike in the US, where you are protected by free speech laws, we simply aren’t allowed to express our opinions freely. Critising Jews for example can literally get you locked up. In your country the Ku Klux Klan and Black Panther Party are permitted to stand on the street corner and canvass with messages based purely on racial animus. Although people are persecuted for criticising Jewry, you’re still legally allowed to do so under your First Amendment protections. In Britain, making an off-colour Facebook post with the word Jew in it might land you in prison. In fact a few years ago some local agitators decided to have a go at Liverpool Labour MP, Luciana Berger, and she had them locked up for what amounted to a little ‘trolling’.

In Britain, we aren’t allowed to criticise people based on race, even if it’s in a genteel manner and for the common good.

Besides, most of our society has been reprogrammed to such an extent we would rather allow our daughters to be raped by Muslim grooming gangs, our sons beaten to death by groups of Black ‘youths’ menacing our inner cities than be perceived as being racist. The fear of being branded homophobic is even more intense.

Jewish media influence at home and in Hollywood, and the Leftist educators behind the indoctrination of our children, are behind this madness.

To be perfectly honest, we Brits are almost pathologically politically correct. Not to the extent a nation like Sweden is, but nevertheless we are quite useless when it comes to discussing the importance of race as a determinant of anything.

To answer your question, there is a segment of the population that would certainly support policies that promote indigenous English interests, but based on the decline in numbers the BNP have see this past decade, I’m not so sure people are ready for it just yet.

They might talk about wanting the country back, but supporting a party that discusses race would be a bit much for most people to support openly.

Relevant to the last point, I am very happy that you are continuing your election campaign despite being suspended from the party. Do you think that voters in your district will be put off by the controversy surrounding you? Will you lose votes or gain votes? Can you tell our audience a little more about the incident that resulted in your suspension?

Thanks for your kind words Kevin. I never entertained the idea of dropping out of the election even after my suspension. Although I immediately recognised that my campaign had been ruined and UKIP wanted me out, I was not about to allow a vile woman like Luciana Berger, who has ruined a lot of lives over the years, do me in.

I was lucky in the fact that it was after nominations were closed and UKIP were unable to remove me from the ballot. Although I wasn’t 100% certain at the time I’d still be on the ballot, I knew if I was, I’d press on.

Regarding the reason for my suspension: I was removed for insinuating on Twitter that a local Labour MP Lucy Berger of Jewish origin had dual loyalties between England and Israel, and because I dared to address the genocide of Western European people in the Old and New Worlds. I was also informed that an interview I gave the European Knights Project, where I hinted at the Jewish nature of Marxism and other destructive anti-Western movements, had something to do with their decision.

Although the Tweets were relatively innocuous, within minutes of the story breaking, UKIP suspended me. The story took on a life of its own, and within an hour or so my name was on every news channel in Britain. My mother rang me hysterically from more than 400 miles away informing me that news of my ‘anti-Semitism’ and subsequent suspension had been on the BBC ticker, and I was out the party and election. I myself only found out when a BBC reporter rang me, as my own party didn’t have the decency to ring me. (They still haven’t.)

Nigel Farage even took time out of his busy schedule to shame me on the national news. That’s how much pull these people have.

The Jewish News, the site that I believe first released the story, wrote:

Following calls for swift action from community leaders, A UKIP spokesperson told Jewish News: ‘Jack Sen, a UKIP candidate, has expressed views that in no way reflect the views of the Party and any other of our hard working dedicated candidates. In the light of these and other comments Mr Sen has been suspended from UKIP with immediate effect.’

From running a pretty successful campaign to being dumped for a pretty harmless Tweet was quite a shocker. To say that it sent me reeling would be an understatement of the grandest proportion.

Making matters worse was the fact that I’d merely stated what most of Liverpool also thought about Berger — that she was not an ‘authentic Labour’ candidate due to the fact that she had been parachuted into Liverpool by the Labour Party elite, was born and raised in wealthy West London, educated at an all-girls boarding school in Hertfordshire and groomed for the job by Lord Greville Janner, the Zionist Jewish peer who has been investigated for paedophilia on numerous occasions. Berger having “divided loyalties” stemmed from the fact that she had professionally lobbied for our money to be sent overseas while serving as the Director of Labour Friends of Israel.

Everything I said was based on truth. The only mention of Berger’s Jewishness came from a Wikipedia quote, pulled from the internet.

I am certain even Berger, who has an uncanny ability to feign moral outrage over any criticism directed her way, knows the Tweets were fair, but decided to use them to her advantage, as she has in the past. I’m not the first person she has gone after for non-existent anti-Semitism, and I am certain I won’t be the last. By now I’m certain Ms Berger has the Jewish News and groups like ‘Hope not Hate‘ on bloody speed dial.

Regarding my chances: the polls actually closed about 45 minutes ago. I am actually working on this interview while waiting for the results to come in. I thought it would be good to finish the interview before my views were skewed by the results of the election.

Although my area is staunchly Labour, and based on my analysis, about 40% of my electorate realize that I am no longer representing UKIP, I still think I have a chance to get a good result. In 2010 the UKIP West Lancs candidate finished with only 3% of the vote. I expect I will get between three and five times that. Because people do tend to vote along party lines in Britain I expect I will lose a few thousand votes as a result of the suspension.

(Update: I received 12% of the vote,taking in more votes than UKIP MEP’s Paul Nuttall and Steven Woolfe, both of whom were high-profile prospective members of Parliament who also stood in northern England.)

Being suspended as unceremoniously and publicly as I’ve been definitely impacted my chances negatively. I was in the midst of a highly co-ordinated campaign that was making incredible gains. My goal of reaching 20% is now impossible due to the fact that many people think a vote for me is a wasted vote — sentiments expressed by many people I meet on my travels and who write to me via my website.

I’ve encountered scores of people that believe that if they vote for me their vote won’t count, so it’s been tough.

I had no idea whether I’d even be on the ballot or that I could campaign during the home stretch due to the fact that no one from head office would respond to my emails since my being suspended. I was blocked by my advisers on social media and literally shut down during the last week — the most important week, of the campaign. The only emails I received from HQ were ones accusing me of being anti-Semitic and informing me that I had been suspended.

I was literally attacked in every major newspaper. Nigel Farage held a press conference to tell the nation how much of an embarrassment to the party I was. Paul Nuttal, UKIP’s deputy, immediately gave a speech in which he ripped me to shreds, claiming extremists like myself had no place in the party and UKIP would stomp on people like me. The buffoon used a whole lot of hyperbolic language — never revealing what I’d said, just that it was anti-Semitic.

Being betrayed in this manner because of Jewish pressure has been a bitter pill to swallow. Nigel was in fact the reason why I became involved in UKIP, and for Paul, the local MEP for the northwest — someone that I have socialised with on several occasions — to attack me publicly as he did, tells me the people running UKIP are immoral and unethical … and not for me.

Another result of the suspension has been the hatred I have received from local Leftists, who feel that because I have been suspended for ‘racism’ from ‘racist’ UKIP that they have the go-ahead to attack me.

This past week our chairman received several hate-filled letters, one of which included my postal leaflet in it. Some miscreant decided to scrawl a Hitler moustache on my face, drop an SS officer’s cap on my head and scribble in the names of Himmler, Goebbels and other well known Reich officials below the faces of my council candidates.

I believe that the menacing letter was only sent because I was publicly reprimanded for criticisng Jewish hegemony over this country and our way of life, and other off limits topics.

Then there’s the impact it has had on my ability to campaign.

This past weekend I was accosted by a group of Labour campaigners demanding that I leave the market square as I was a “racist, an “anti Semite” and “Nazi”. They engaged me in an aggressive manner waving their fingers in my face. Although I was out-numbered— I was only with my wife and baby daughter, I stood my ground and the cowards scurried off back to their holes before things got out of hand. Some lovely elderly ladies that happened to support my message, helped defuse the situation.

A man with a conspicuously strong Scouse (Liverpool) accent — the region where the aforementioned Luciana Berger represents — attempted to drown out my legal right to canvass by shouting the word “anti-Semite” at me each time I attempted to engage people in Ormskirk (the regional seat).

It is my belief many of these people were paid by Ms Berger’s office to attack me during my scheduled street surgeries as their being at my events was too convenient. The fact that it never happened prior to the Berger Tweets tells me all I need to know.

Let’s just say that it’s been a tough go since Berger manufactured claims of anti-Semitism.

People often ask me why I was suspended for what amounts to a jibe at a rep from another party.

UKIP simply decided that it was better business sense to appease an influential Jewish group that funds them in London, than stand by their parliamentary candidates.