Key West Celebrates Faggotry by Installing Four Rainbow Crosswalks

Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
May 30, 2015

Ha, gayyyy!
Ha, gayyyy!

On Thursday in Key West, Florida, four rainbow crosswalks were installed at the intersection of Duval and Petronia streets—which is at the center of the city’s district of faggotry.

These crosswalks are permanent. (Unless we take this country back, in which case they would be eliminated, of course.)

Miami Herald:

The crosswalks cost $4,000. Key West Business Guild Executive Director Matt Hon said the guild would pay half and that the other $2,000 comes from individual donations, reports the Florida Keys Keynoter.

“Key West is very happy to be putting in the first thermoplastic permanent rainbow crosswalks in the state of Florida,” said Mayor Craig Cates. “It means so much to Key West to show our diversity, and also it goes perfectly with our ‘One Human Family’ motto.”

The rainbow crosswalks are the latest manifestation of Key West’s longstanding embrace of diversity. “One Human Family” was adopted as the city’s official philosophy in 2000, proclaiming equality and acceptance for everyone, and the island is internationally known as a leading LGBT vacation destination.