Khizr Khan’s Feel Good Story

Hunter Wallace
Occidental Dissent
July 31, 2016


As we have already seen, Khizr Khan and his family have no “constitutional” right to be here. Congress banned immigration from Pakistan in the Immigration Act of 1917. The Supreme Court also ruled that South Asians were ineligible to become naturalized US citizens in 1923. Simply put, foreign aliens have no inalienable constitutional right to immigrate to the United States. Both Congress and the president have the power to ban anyone from our shores should they choose to do so.

Donald Trump has laid out a plan to ban immigration “from any nation that has been compromised by terrorism.” Consider the following:

1.) Pakistan ranks #4. on the Global Terrorism Index. In other words, Pakistan is worse than Syria and Somalia. Of all the countries in the world, only Iraq, Afghanistan, and Nigeria have a worse problem with terrorism.

2.) Pakistan is one of the most anti-American countries in the world. A year ago, The Washington Post celebrated the fact that anti-American sentiment in Pakistan had declined from 80 percent to only 59 percent. Pakistan is still a dangerous country where Americans are routinely attacked and kidnapped by Islamic terrorists.

3.) Pakistan is a safe harbor for the Taliban which the US has spent 15 years fighting in Afghanistan.

4.) Pakistan sheltered Osama bin Laden within its borders for years.

5.) Finally, I knew I had written something about Pakistan recently, and a quick search of the archives revealed that it was the terrorist attack by the Taliban that targeted Christians in Pakistan on Easter. I guess that went down the memory hole.

The Constitution is not a passport for any Muslim terrorist who wants to come here from Pakistan. The United States would be foolish to encourage immigration from one of the most anti-American, terrorist-infested countries on earth. In 2012, 75% of Pakistanis considered Americans to be their “enemy.” The cuckservatives and the liberals who are cooing over Khizr Khan’s feel good speech at the DNC should watch the video below from Easter to refresh their memories about who they are inviting to come here.