Kidded: Trump Rallies Trigger Virulent Sluts

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 18, 2016

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As I have said six million times, feminism is a mechanism of Judaism.

The “empowerment” of females has led directly to the downfall of Western civilization. One only has to look at the anti-Trump protests to see this dynamic in action. The outrageous and aggressive attackers are all women. They bring men along with them who are trying to get laid. The men they bring with them are feminized cucks as well, who look like total faggots.

You do not see masculine men protesting Trump or any other good thing. You only see women and girly-men. And of course, Jews and colored folk.

It is all irate emotionality, which is the defining characteristic of an unhinged female.

kidded for the last time

Here are two great videos from rallies in New York from Infowars.

Infowars has become kidder central. Gotta give em credit. They are kidding the hell out of all these cucks and sluts.

Here is perhaps one of the most slappable bitches yet – but why slap when you can do much more damage to their psyches with kidding?

In this one the bitch literally starts crying as soon as she’s kidded:

Is this what you wanted, baby boomers? A society where political positions are literally argued with tears?

If not, why did you allow feminism?

You believed the Jews when they told you women were exactly the same as men?

This is a friggin disaster.

Do you have any idea how many people we’re going to have to kid to get some social order up in this bitch?
