KIKE Conspirator Rod Rosenstein to Resign, Finally

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
January 10, 2019

Rod Rosenstein is just another one of those Jewish bugmen that you would have never known about if it weren’t for the events of recent years shedding light on the cockroaches running the government.

Bit by bit, we learn more and more about the Deep State.

How it works, who staffs it and how absolutely kiked to the core it is.


Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is expected to resign as soon as new Attorney General William Barr is confirmed, an ABC News report claims. Rosenstein’s departure has long been the subject of speculation.

Citing anonymous sources, ABC claims that Rosenstein will leave his position as the nation’s number two law enforcement officer around the time William Barr, President Trump’s nominee for Attorney General, takes office following a Senate confirmation. Barr’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing takes place next week.

The source said that Rosenstein is resigning of his own accord, and not being forced out by Trump. The Deputy AG had apparently planned all along to serve for two years. 

Psh, yeah right.

One other detail:

In his time in charge of Mueller’s years-long investigation, Rosenstein has been criticized by some Republicans for authorizing the surveillance of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, and for failing to appoint a second special counsel to probe his own department’s handling of the Russia investigation. 11 House Republicans introduced articles of impeachment against Rosenstein last July based on this alleged misconduct, a move that ultimately went nowhere.

This Jew was the mastermind of all of this Trump-Russia bullshit going all the way back to when the Obama Administration first began spying on Trump’s campaign to try to get information they could use to keep him from winning.

He used the pissgate document to get the FISA warrant while knowing it was fake and paid for by Hillary Clinton and Jews, then he used the same pissgate document to open the Mueller investigation. He has been the guy refusing to close the Mueller investigation this entire time.

But he’s only been kicked out just now. 

That’s better than nothing, but it’s still pretty bad. No way, no how should all these Deep State kikes still be in key positions.

People will say that Trump had no choice but to rely on swamp creatures to run his government.

But wait, hold on, he’s just proven that running the government isn’t really a necessity. 

What’s better, no one cares about shutting the whole thing down. People hate the federal government and like this shutdown.

So why not just shut the whole thing down? After all, Trump is the human Molotov cocktail that White Amerikaners have lobbed into Washington, DC.

He doesn’t really need to govern at this point. With the Dems and the Deep State thwarting him at every turn, the better approach is the Fabian strategy. Avoid direct battle. Just fall back and let the enemy rampage outside the gates.

Furthermore, all of these institutions are so sprawling that they do not depend on one another to operate, and thus specific parts of the government can be selectively shut down, while others are left open.

If you can’t win in Congress, just shut Congress down. If specific agencies are against you, shut down the agencies.

Let’s see where this goes. But let’s stay frosty, folks.