Kike Dennis Prager’s “Prager U” Claims Alt-Right are the Real Leftists

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 28, 2017

Jew Dennis Prager’s “Prager U” has produced a video claiming that the Alt-Right are the real leftists.

I’m not sure why this idea of “oh no, actually, these people are the opposite of what they say they are” is something that the “conservative” establishment thinks is a good idea – maybe they see things like “Jews are the real victims of hate” or “blacks are the real victims of violence” and think they can use that script on their own enemies.

Probably not. I think it is more likely that in the mind of scam-artists, it makes sense to say “this thing is the same as a thing that you hate.”

The kikes in this video say we’ve got small numbers. This is just gaslighting. I don’t know our numbers, but it’s in the millions of active followers – I know that from my own site traffic – and we have around a 10% national approval rating, which is 30-odd million.

They even say that our slave-owning Founding Fathers believed “all men are created equal” was a communist anti-racist chant.

Read notes on the state of Virginia, you filthy Jews. That the Founders believe in modernist Jewish communism is insane on the face of it, but it is also simply factually inaccurate.

This country was not founded to be a daycare center for the genetic refuse of the globe. It was founded as a homeland for WHITE PEOPLE.

Here’s an analysis of the above vid.