Kike-Dyke Rachel Maddow FAKE CRIES Over Criminal Spic Babies!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 20, 2018

The kike-dyke Rachel Maddow broke down in fake Jew tears over criminal wetback babies on her show last night.

They are pushing all of this so, so, so too hard.

This is the Syrian GAS BABY MEME all over again.

Fake crying just makes people angry. Okay, maybe not her own audience, but this clip is going viral.

And people know now that they are being emotionally manipulated. They know that this is the game. And they are not happy with it.

Once you know it is the game, you can recognize it, and it just makes you angry.

That is why Corey Lewandowski’s “WOMP WOMP” was so important. It gives everyone permission to stop playing the game.

The jig is up.

No longer will public policy be determined by sad images of children.

They pushed it too far and they made the people hard.

It was really a boomer thing, this “rule by emotional manipulation” thing. Because the only thing they ever cared about was feeling good, and it feels good to give in to emotional blackmail.

But we now have new, hard men coming up who will look at Rachel Maddow fake crying and say “oh fuck you, bitch – I know this trick.”