Kike Dyke Rachel Maddow Ruthlessly Mocked for Faking News About Trump’s 2005 Tax Return

Ben Richards
Daily Stormer
March 15, 2017

Rachel Maddow is living proof that Jewish lesbians and Jews in general need to be banned from journalism.

Throughout the day MSNBC was hyping how the kike dyke Rachel Maddow exclusively obtained Donald Trump’s 2005 tax return. With the way they were behaving you would have thought that she was ready to reveal a Watergate or Pentagon Papers tier story. Instead, all we got was hysterical conjecture and conspiracy theory from Maddow!

To add insult to injury, the White House preemptively confirmed the key financial details of Trump’s 2005 tax return before she could make the big reveal on her show.

USA Today:

President Trump paid $38 million in taxes in 2005 on an income of more than $150 million, a senior White House official confirmed Tuesday night.

That rare acknowledgement came in anticipation of a report by MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, who purported to have copies of Trump’s tax returns from 11 years ago. The White House official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive financial matter.

Trump defied decades of tradition during the 2016 presidential campaign in refusing to voluntarily release his tax returns, which would shed light on the size and breadth of his sprawling real estate and entertainment empire.

Bottom line, there was absolutely nothing of significance revealed on Maddow’s show. All we found out was that Trump paid taxes in 2005. Tucker Carlson went into some of the details.

Maddow seems to think that because Trump hasn’t released decades of his tax returns that he’s concealing a massive conspiracy involving Russia. She was greatly unhinged before Trump became President but now she’s really gone off the deep end. Her television show has degraded into the promotion of bizarre conspiracy theories where she incoherently rambles about her theories despite her not having any proof of said theories.

She actually babbled about her anti-Trump conspiracy theories for 20 minutes before finally talking about the contents of the tax return. Her whole show was nothing but fake news!

Maddow has been ruthlessly mocked on social media for hyping something that ultimately had no importance. It is truly bizarre that MSNBC thinks it is a good idea to put a fundamentally irresponsible and unstable person like Maddow on national television. They owe the American people an apology for allowing this to happen!