Kike Federal Judge Cockblocks Trump From Asking About Citizenship on the Census

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 16, 2019

Another day, another thing Donald Trump is trying to do being cockblocked by another kike federal judge.

It just never ends.

If this wasn’t happening, Trump would be getting shit done. Seriously. No joke. If he was allowed to do all the things he’s tried to do, we’d be doing fantastic. And if he’d been allowed to do all those things, he’d be doing even more things.

Huffington Post:

A federal judge blocked the Trump administration from adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census, a win for critics who say the question is unnecessary and would cause fewer immigrants and minorities to respond to the decennial survey.

The Trump administration is expected to swiftly appeal the Tuesday ruling from U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman of the Southern District of New York.

Several states and activists said immigrants, fearful of volunteering their immigration status to the Trump administration, would refuse to respond. The plaintiffs in the suit ― 18 states, the District of Columbia, several cities and a handful of immigrant rights groups ― argued the Trump administration intended to drive down the response rate among those groups when it added the question and ran afoul of a federal statute requiring them to rationally consider evidence and input before making a policy decision.

In his opinion, Furman wrote the way the Trump administration added the question violated the federal statute, the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). The law, Furman wrote, requires agencies to carefully study an issue before it implements or changes a policy. The Trump administration failed to do that in adding the citizenship question and the public rationale given by Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, who oversees the Census Bureau, Furman said, was “pretextual.”

“Most blatantly, Secretary Ross ignored, and violated, a statute that requires him, in circumstances like those here, to collect data through the acquisition and use of ‘administrative records’ instead of through ‘direct inquiries’ on a survey such as the census,” Furman wrote.

Oh so it’s not even racism that is the excuse. It’s some vague thing about… not examining the issue enough.

This sort of thing is why so many people said that American law should be based on English Common Law or Roman Law or something. Anything other than the Talmud.

The obvious reason they don’t want the illegals on the census is because Congressional districts are based on census numbers, and if illegals count as “people,” then you’re going to get extra congressmen for Democrat districts flooded with illegals.

That is to say that while every state only gets two Senators, areas get House representation proportional to the number of people living there. The more people you have, the more sway you have in the House.

This map shows the 2010 adjustments:

Beyond that, they’ve been saying “11 million” for 25 years, even as they admit that at certain point since then there were a million people coming across every year.

In all likelihood, the actual number of illegals is probably closer to 30 million. And everyone is speculating with numbers between 25 and 50, but as long as there is no census, no one actually knows.

Of course, even with a census, you wouldn’t actually know. They wouldn’t all answer. But enough of them would.

These people are on average very stupid with such things. Remember that caravaner who was interviewed by Fox and said that he’d been kicked out of the US for attempted murder?

He was under no obligation to divulge that information and presumably was coached not to and must have just forgotten.

So a census would bring back some number much higher than 11 million.

It’s totally unclear how a judge is even involved in something like this, but it always is unclear why random judges are allowed to order the President to do things.

But remember goyim: we don’t have liberal or conservative judges, only “dedicated” judges.

Each and every judge in America has no political motivation whatsoever, the only thing they have is dedication.

Regrettably, that “dedication” is to the Jewish globalist agenda.