Kike Logic: Pelosi Uses SPLC Shooter as a Reason for Gun Control

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 28, 2017

Jews send their own guys to shoot you, then use the shooting as an explanation of why you aren’t allowed to have guns to defend yourself.

It’s really kind of incredible.


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi criticized House Republicans on Thursday for pushing legislation to loosen gun restrictions so soon after welcoming back House Majority Whip Steve Scalise to Congress.

Scalise (R-La.) received a hero’s welcome during a surprise return to the Capitol on Thursday, his first time back since being critically wounded by a gunman during a congressional baseball practice in June.

Later in the day, Pelosi was asked at a news conference about GOP plans to soon bring two bills to the floor that loosen gun regulations, including one that relaxes rules on purchasing gun silencers. That bill — the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act, introduced by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) — was expected on the floor this week but didn’t come up for a vote.

Pelosi, who gave a speech on the House floor welcoming back Scalise and who praised his “joyous” return at the start of her news conference, then referenced Scalise’s shooting in citing her opposition.

“Hunters need armor piercing bullets? They need silencers? They need conceal and carry to hunt?” she told reporters. “Silencers — even in the case of Steve Scalise — if you can hear, you can run to where the tragedy is emanating from. It’s horrible.”

The shooter, James Hodgkinson, was a fan of the SPLC.

The SPLC had written multiple articles claiming that Scalise was a racist who needed to be taken down.

Somehow, this whole event just got swept under the rug.

Anyway – good on the GOP for continuing to support the Second Amendment. They cuck so hard on so much, that is one thing they do TEND to be good about.

Always remember this: the Founding Fathers gave us the Second Amendment existed to protect the First.

Editor’s Note: Just to be clear, Pelosi herself isn’t Jewish. Just wanted to make that clear, due to the way I wrote this. She is a complete and total tool of the Jews, to an almost absurd degree. When her mouth moves, Jewish words come out.