Kike-Loving Tool Gavin McCuck Again Attacks Daily Stormer – I Wonder Why???

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 12, 2016

Last week, the kike tool Gavin McInnes attacked me twice – once on his podcast and once in an article on Takimag.

Now, he’s made a video for the Jew-owned YouTube channel “The Rebel Media.”

Each time he has attacked me, he’s claimed that I’m an FBI agent because I talk about Jews, and has told the stupid goyim that they need to focus on Jew-denying “Alt-Lite” figures such as MILO, Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer.

Gavin McInnes is the epitome of a man totally destroyed by the Jew culture. He spent his youth doing hard drugs and selling pornography to children. Then he wasted his genetics on a non-White woman (though due to the epigenetic effects of all of the drug use, his genes were worthless anyway). Now, he’s making a living shilling for Jews, purposefully trying to skew the worldview of young people who are waking up to the destruction of their societies.

Rebel Media is owned by the diabolical Jew Ezra Levant. And as I have repeatedly said, there is an ADL council – made up of high-level academics, journalists and federal agents – which is intent on stopping the Alt-Right by any means necessary.


Ratlike Jew Ezra Levant

I strongly – very, very strongly – suspect that this “Alt-Lite” – more appropriately called the “Alt-Kike” – is their big play.

Just look at what he is saying in this video – “sure, it’s totally reasonable to be a racist – but you can’t question the Jews or talk about the fake Holocaust – only a secret agent would do that!”

I of course have no way to prove how much contact these people have with the ADL council. But it’s not hard to put two and two together here. Ezra Levant is an aggressive Zionist Jew, and all of the sudden his little goy slave Gavin McCuck starts aggressively pushing this idea that I’m a secret agent and the goyim need to stay away from anyone who talks about Jews.

This was done in concert with MILO saying that I’m a Jew.


It is an obvious move for them – when calling me a White Supremacist Neo-Nazi doesn’t work, they say I’m a secret kike agent. Anything to stop the goyim from reading this site and finding the only truth that really matters: that the JEWS are at the heart of all of our problems. That they are the one problem that needs solved.

Am I Spending Too Much Time on This?

Some people have suggested that I am spending too much time attacking the Alt-Kike. Though I can understand how someone could think that, it is absolutely wrong.

These people are our enemies, period. And they are ultimately worse enemies than the liberal Jews, as they are pretending to be on the side of those waking up to the problems we’re facing as a civilization, and then tricking them into never confronting the real cause of our problems. And our resistance is having a serious effect.

Breitbart recently published an article about our Alabama Boys passing out fliers at a MILO event at the University of Alabama, and every single top comment (as voted on by the users using disqus) was against MILO and for us.

Here are the top comments rated “best” on the disqus system:

daily-stormer_999312 daily-stormer_999313 daily-stormer_999314 daily-stormer_999315 daily-stormer_999316 daily-stormer_999317 daily-stormer_999318 daily-stormer_999319 daily-stormer_999320 daily-stormer_999321 daily-stormer_999322 daily-stormer_999323 daily-stormer_999324 daily-stormer_999325

You have to go real far down to find a pro-MILO comment on that page.

Basically, he’s going to be fired. Because Breitbart can’t sustain this sort of negative attention indefinitely.

It’s Always Us Against the World

No matter what, it is going to be us against the world.

We have to remember that.

We don’t need a “big tent” with a bunch of Jew-loving shills. We need to keep our message focused.

The only “big tent” which is possible is one which unites against Jews. Like, you can have White Nationalists, Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, Anti-Semitic racists, etc. united under one tent.

Anyone who isn’t focusing on Jews and is trying to represent who we are or co-opt us in any way is an enemy and a traitor.

If I’m honest, fam, there’s only one solution here.


Hail Victory.