Kike Media Accuses HERO KANYE of Being a Mentally Ill Incel

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 12, 2018

After his fantastic appearance with Trump yesterday at the White House, the Jew media is literally trying to get Kanye West interned against his will again by claiming he is insane – even though the first time this happened, he was just sleep deprived, and nothing he said in his meeting with Trump yesterday was at all insane or abnormal.

This is basically an attack on his speech patterns. But nothing has changed about Kanye.

He always acted like a goofy black guy with a weird way of talking.

No one accused him of being mentally ill when he interrupted Taylor Swift’s award acceptance in 2009 – almost a decade ago.

That was just as goofy as what he did with Trump, if the argument is that he’s goofy so he must be insane – and in the 9 years since that interruption event happened, he’s made hundreds of millions of dollars, raised a family, and not done a single thing that was dangerous to himself or others.

I’m not going to say he isn’t goofy, but saying this is indicative of mental illness is stupid.

But not as stupid as calling him an “incel.”

Apparently, people on Twitter now believe that the word “incel” just means “misogynist” – in fact it means “involuntary celibate,” which is someone who is involuntarily celibate. Kanye is married to a beautiful Middle Eastern woman and has multiple kids.

His point about Hillary’s campaign being an attack on masculinity was actually very solidly woke, regardless of what you think of the way he communicated it. The alleged “empowerment” of women is always going to involve a disempowerment of men, because the only way women have ever been able to have anything is by having it given to them by men.

And that was what the Hillary campaign was, at its core: “It’s time to give the Presidency of the United States over to a woman, because this is a historical necessity.”

Kanye actually made a lot of great points, he talked about the hero’s journey, he talked about infinite consciousness in infinite universes, he talked about how Apple should start making hydrogen powered planes, he wants to bring back slavery and he was the first person in history to say “motherfucker” in the Oval Office on television.

It’s going to be fun to see where this goes. This is obviously a midterms play, and Trump said Kanye can come speak for him at an event any time he wants.

To be clear, I don’t think this is really going to get more black people to vote Republican. It will presumably get more black people to feel comfortable with Trump, but it’s not enough to get them to go bother to vote. However, it might serve as an excuse for them to not vote at all.

Just so you understand: black votes are organized by “community organizers” who go around and get them loaded in vans to drive them to the polls, and I presume that a lot of blacks, especially black men, are going to miss the bus after this.

Furthermore, as you can see above, it is extremely demoralizing to the left. Kanye is, for better or worse, one of the biggest cultural icons in America. And he was considered a representative of “black empowerment” and so on.

And look – what he is saying about Democrats disempowering blacks by keeping them on welfare seems to ring true when you have a black guy who made himself rich siding with Republicans.

Blacks appear to be genuinely lazy people for the most part, so clearly they would mostly prefer to be on welfare, so they are voting in their own interests when they vote for Democrats. If you actually try to follow what Kanye was saying in his speech, that is why he is saying we should bring back slavery – because the “free everything” program for the blacks is worse for them, in his opinion, than being enslaved.

Beyond the demoralization of liberals, this will embolden whites who are scared of being called racist to vote for Republicans and support Trump generally. That is the real kicker here, and why Don Lemon is trying to frame Kanye as a race traitor.

This is certainly more powerful than Taylor Swift’s endorsement of anal sex with men.