Kike Professor Rails Against “Armed Goyim”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 26, 2018

Philip Cohen, a sociology professor at the University of Maryland, tweeted over the weekend that he is concerned about “armed goyim” in response to an inquiry about why Jews are so aggressively anti-gun.

I am fully willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and agree that this was a joke. Sure. Okay.

But it is the same kind of joke as when I joke about stuffing Jews into gas chambers.

Cohen is one of the Jews suing Trump over being blocked by the President on Twitter, arguing that this is a First Amendment violation. I have been supportive of that particular case, as I believe that ultimately, any form of government intervention in the tech industry is going to lead to laws forcing them to protect free speech. This case in particular.

Because if Trump isn’t allowed to block anyone because people have a right to access him, then how is Twitter allowed to stop us from accessing him by banning us?