Chinese Shills on /pol/ Back-Up Chinamen Who Hacked Alex Jones’ Phone with Tranny Porn…!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 26, 2018

Alex Jones is embroiled in yet another scandal, brought to him by the Chinese communists.

First, the Chinamen hacked his phone and put tranny porn in the browser history.

Then, Chinese shills on /pol/ posted about it on the boards (WARNING: SCROLLING THAT THREAD REVEALS IMAGES OF TRANNY PORN).

It is clear that Chinese Communists are always looking for an excuse to post tranny porn on /pol/, just as they are always looking for ways to defame the HEROIC PATRIOT and dietary supplement emperor Alex Jones – this gives them a twofer.

The fake news story spread rapidly throughout the tubes.

It already has its own page on Know Your Meme.

I just want to make it clear: Alex Jones does not jack off to tranny porn on his iPhone at work.

Alex Jones is a man’s man.

He has never sucked any ding-dongs, and if he did he would be proud of it. He’d suck a golfball through a gardenhose. But he likes women, and he’s been with over 300 of them.

If he is going to jack off to any porn at work, it will probably be Japanese bondage porn.

Seriously: what are the chances?

He is under full assault by the Chicoms, then all of the sudden he has tranny porn on his phone and a gigantic scandal to make his own supporters hate him for jacking off to tranny porn at the office.

Alex Jones has defended America against trannies for decades – now we’re supposed to believe he jacks off to them on his phone at work?

I’m not buying it.

Not buying it one bit.


Another theory was introduced by (non-Chinese) on /pol/: this is part of a plan to make the Chinamen believe he is gay so they have to let him back on social media.

This theory is much more plausible than the theory that Alex Jones is a gay faggot.

If liberals come out and start supporting him because he jacks off to tranny porn at work, we will know this theory is true.