Kike Toys R Us Founder Dies Days After Company Folds

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 23, 2018

The founder of Toys R Us was a kike and he’s dead lol.

Jews do not have souls, so it’s surprising that he would die just as his life’s work comes crashing down.


The man who founded Toys R Us – the children’s toy retailer – has died aged 94, one week after his company announced it was closing its doors.

Charles Lazarus began selling toys in 1957 in large supermarket-style shops after he returned from World War II military service.

His death comes after the company announced it would close all US and UK shops and seek bankruptcy protection.

I’ll tell you.


Is really just this:

Who knows. Maybe he wasn’t a pedophile and he was just in it for the shekels. But I see a hook-nosed kike in a business involving children and alarm bells ring.

I am glad this guy is dead because he’s Jewish. But the closing of the stores – kinda sad. I have good memories of Toys R Us as a kid. It was great fun, a store that size with nothing but toys.

And that is one type of store you wouldn’t really expect to be replaced by Amazon, because it’s a whole experience for kids to go there that goes beyond the actual purchases.

But the company came out and said one of the reasons it was folding is that people are not having kids anymore.

But get this – this kike toy company was donating to Planned Parenthood.

That’s like, really stupid. To kill your own customers. But if there’s one thing Jews like more than money, it’s murdering infants.

I’m sure it was a conundrum for them.

If you’re a parent, get your boys building toys. Don’t let them just play video games all day. You can make them significantly better people by simply turning off the X-Box and making them play with Legos.

Man, I wish I had some Legos rn.

Also, the Lego Movie was actually a wholesome film fwiw. Very rare that a kids movie or any other movie is these days. But kids movies are subtly subversive, and I think a lot of parents don’t understand what they are exposing their youngins to.

Violent video games are probably healthier than most of the films. But then you’ve got the addiction aspect.

Hard to be a parent these days, no doubt.