Kike Traitor Michael Cohen Spills the Beans on How Absolutely BASED Our President Really Is

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
November 3, 2018

This is why you never trust the kikes, Mr. President. They will always betray you.

But to be fair, these Jew claims – whether true or false – endear you to us and most of your voter base.

Because everyone is thinking it.

Vanity Fair:

During our conversation, Cohen recalled a discussion at Trump Tower, following the then-candidate’s return from a campaign rally during the 2016 election cycle. Cohen had watched the rally on TV and noticed that the crowd was largely Caucasian. He offered this observation to his boss. “I told Trump that the rally looked vanilla on television. Trump responded, ‘That’s because black people are too stupid to vote for me.’” (The White House did not respond to multiple requests for comment.)

This conversation, he noted, was reminiscent of an exchange that the two men had engaged in years earlier, after Nelson Mandela’s death. “[Trump] said to me, ‘Name one country run by a black person that’s not a shithole,’ and then he added, ‘Name one city,’” Cohen recalled, a statement that echoed the president’s alleged comments about African nations earlier this year. (White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders denied those comments at the time. She added that “no one here is going to pretend like the president is always politically correct—he isn’t.” She subsequently noted that it was “one of the reasons the American people love him.”)

Cohen also recounted a conversation he had with Trump in the late 2000s, while they were traveling to Chicago for a Trump International Hotel board meeting. “We were going from the airport to the hotel, and we drove through what looked like a rougher neighborhood. Trump made a comment to me, saying that only the blacks could live like this.”

After the first few seasons of The Apprentice, Cohen recalled how he and Trump were discussing the reality show and past season winners. The conversation wended its way back to the show’s first season, which ended in a head-to-head between two contestants, Bill Rancic and Kwame Jackson. “Trump was explaining his back-and-forth about not picking Jackson,” an African-American investment manager who had graduated from Harvard Business School. “He said, ‘There’s no way I can let this black f-g win.’” (Jackson told me that he had heard that the president made such a comment. “My response to President Trump is simple and Wakandan,” he said, referring to the fictional African country where Black Panther hails from. “‘Not today, colonizer!’”)

Eyyy, I gotta say, I love this president lol.

Laying down RealTalk with your kike lawyer though seems like a tragic oversight.

Trump’s solid on the Blacks and Browns, that much is clear.

He really needs to shore up that Jew soft spot though and stat.

How could you trust such a weasely-looking sonofabitch?

Every great man has a soft spot. A tragic weakness. I hope that Judeophilia will not be the downfall of Trump. Although there is little to indicate that he caters or listens to them on the home front. Trump’s domestic policy is America First, that much is clear.

His foreign policy is a bit too pro-Israel, but that was because of a deal he made with Bibi’s Jew faction to try and subdue the Jewish clamoring at home. That doesn’t seem to be working out very well at all, however.

Of course, he also has to be ostensibly pro-Israel to please boomer evangelical lunatics. But like, they don’t understand that his pro-Saudi position is actually pro-Israel because they’re just too stupid to actually have any idea what’s going on in the Middle East, so that can be dumped. He’s already dumped support for the Jewish-run terrorist group ISIS.

Nothing bad will come from these skin-hate claims by Cohen. Americans hate niggers and like a president that doesn’t bow down to them. Appeasement with Obama failed, so now it’s payback time with Trump.

The Jew thing though…

I tell you what, I would love to hear a report from one of his close associates talking about how Trump would shit all over them in private. That would make my day. I can imagine though, that his evangelical base wouldn’t be too thrilled about that though.