Kike Who Runs Cuban University That Designed That Fake Bridge Worried People Don’t Respect Them

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 18, 2018

Don’t be down, Cuba. It was a good hustle. You can’t win em all. Some bridges are going to collapse immediately after being built and crush people to death in their cars. Just the way it is. 

Dropping a bridge on people is enough to destroy the reputation of bridge-builders, regrettably.

And so the Cuban school responsible for the Florida death bridge are on edge.

New York Times:

Florida International University, long known as a commuter school and an engine of mobility for Greater Miami’s Cuban-Americans, has in the past two decades transformed itself into one of the largest public universities in the country.

Its rapid expansion and enhanced reputation helped its selection in 2013 as an official federal research center for an engineering method called accelerated bridge construction.

On Thursday, a pedestrian bridge on campus using that very method collapsed just days after it was installed, dealing the center — and the university’s larger efforts to improve its stature — a grave blow.

“Do I worry about the image of the university? Every breathing moment,” F.I.U.’s president, Mark B. Rosenberg, said in an interview. “But the response that we’ve gotten from around the country has been overwhelmingly positive. It’s not the time now to be worried about our image.”

You got a positive response after smashing those people with your fake bridge?

Talk about white guilt – “thank you Cuba for crushing people with your poorly-engineered bridge.”

“We are the pride and joy of the Cuban community,” said Modesto A. Maidique, a former university president.

But the student body has also diversified, and enrollment has grown to more than 50,000 from 15,000 three decades ago. Despite opposition from competing schools, the university used its tight relationships with politicians to elevate its athletic program to Division 1, add doctoral programs and open schools of architecture, law, medicine and engineering.


Remember: the Jews teach every minority to behave exactly as they behave. And all non-whites are necessarily more tribally-oriented than white people. So of course, Cubans get into the government and then help out their comrades in the Cuban university.

“We as an institution see ourselves as an anchor in the community,” Dr. Rosenberg said, with a responsibility to address major issues, including sea level rise, disparity in health outcomes, hurricanes, AIDS prevention and transportation. “We are leaning in. As an institution, we’re not in a fetal position waiting for the sky to fall.”

That may be the most Jewish series of words I’ve heard in hours.

“This was a good project,” Dr. Rosenberg said Friday. “This was a project that spoke to our desire to build bridges. When the board hired me, I told them, ‘If you give me a pile of rocks, I’m going to build a bridge, not a wall.’ This was about neighborliness and collaboration.”

Oh wow.

So Rosenberg is going full “this bridge was a symbol of Jewishness.”

And what did that bridge do?

Collapsed and killed a bunch of people, smdh.

But you know. At least it only killed other minorities.

Hopefully when Judaism itself collapses like this bridge, it only kills minorities.

Here’s the part about the Cuban nepotism scammery:

In September 2015, Munilla Construction Management, a business led by a Cuban-American family, submitted its proposal to build the pedestrian bridge that collapsed on Thursday. The project was officially known as the University City Prosperity Project.

The company’s proposal described the bridge as an innovative design that would “serve as an icon, a destination in its own right.” At the core of this proposal was accelerated bridge construction, which the company said would “showcase F.I.U.’s prominence in the international A.B.C. marketplace.”

The proposal emphasized the bridge’s dramatic features — a tapering pylon, glass-enclosed elevator and programmable lighting — as well as the Munilla firm’s connections. Forty percent of the firm’s team members were F.I.U. graduates, “which enhances our passion for success,” the proposal said.

It was signed by Jorge Munilla, Munilla Construction Management’s president. “They’re significant players in the Cuban community,” said Dr. Maidique, who is also Cuban-American. Mr. Munilla’s company won the project, beating out several other firms.

So yeah. These people come into our countries and set up their little colonies, with the help of the Jews, then keep everything in their community. Money only flows into these communities from us. That is why they come here in the first place, rather than remaining in their own countries.

America is collapsing and these savages are cynically picking the remaining flesh from our bones.