Kikemerican Media Launching Cartoonish Atrocity Propaganda Campaign Against Chinese

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 1, 2019

Meanwhile, in China, according to Jews.

The Jewish media is maxing out the anti-Chinese atrocity propaganda to levels over 9000.

This is cartoonish gobbledygook, like something out of some horrible kike shock horror film.

Why are they calling Zheng Qiaozhi “George” though?

Is it to make you sympathize with an otherwise unsympathetic race, as you picture all of this stuff happening to George Costanza from Seinfeld instead of an insectoid gook?

Steven Mosher is a spook and a Jew who infiltrated China and then proceeded to spend the rest of his life accusing them of things.

He writes for The New York Post:

Zheng Qiaozhi — we will call him George — still has nightmares. He was interning at China’s Shenyang Army General Hospital when he was drafted to be part of an organ-harvesting team.

The prisoner was brought in, tied hand and foot, but very much alive. The army doctor in charge sliced him open from chest to belly button and exposed his two kidneys. “Cut the veins and arteries,” he told his shocked intern. George did as he was told. Blood spurted everywhere.

The kidneys were placed in an organ-transplant container.

Then the doctor ordered George to remove the man’s eyeballs. Hearing that, the dying prisoner gave him a look of sheer terror, and George froze. “I can’t do it,” he told the doctor, who then quickly scooped out the man’s eyeballs himself.

George was so unnerved by what he had seen that he soon quit his job at the hospital and returned home. Later, afraid that he might be the next victim of China’s forced organ-transplant business, he fled to Canada and assumed a new identity.

First-person accounts like George’s are understandably rare. The “transplant tourists” who come to China are naturally told nothing about the “donors” of their new heart, liver or kidney. And those who are executed for their organs tell no tales.

Experts estimate that between 60,000 and 100,000 organs are transplanted annually in China. Multiply that number times the cost of a liver transplant ($170,000) or a kidney transplant ($130,000), and the result is an eye-popping $10 billion to 20 billion.

And where do these hundreds of thousands of organs come from? George was told nothing about the background of the young man whose kidneys he fatally removed except that he was “under 18 and in good health.”

Come the fuck on.

Does this sound real to you? 

Furthermore, does a person who would believe this is real sound real to you?

Remember that the same kikes writing this article are claiming an absolute right to determine what you are allowed to see and say on the internet.

Mosher goes on to cite Ethan Gutmann, who I believe is also probably Jewish, and who happens to be the single source for more or less all of these claims about the PRC killing random people to harvest their organs.

All of the initial claims surrounded Falun Gong, a CIA-backed religious cult intent on destabilizing Chinese society. Gutmann claims that they just round these people up and cut their organs out while they’re still alive. The National Review has been publishing his unsourced claims for years. He says that in a five-year period, 65,000 of these cultists were rounded up and had their organs cut out.

He’s currently being sued for accusing a random Chinese doctor of being part of the organ-harvesting conspiracy he invented.

Besides the fact that no evidence exists for these outrageous claims, this conflicts with the story of Moslems being abused in Western China. They, the media tells us, get sent to reeducation camps. And that is probably true. They also appear to be force-marrying Moslem women to normal Chinese men.

So, think of this: you’re part of the Chinese anti-dissident squad. You go out and round up Moslems, they get sent to the camps. You go out to round up Falun Gong cultists, they get sent to the organ harvesting factory.

Why not harvest Moslem organs and send Falun Gong to reeducation camps?

Falun Gong, one would imagine, would be easier to reeducate, since they were raised in normal Chinese society and just converted to a cult, whereas the Moslems are born into their cult.

Anyway – whatever. You read the above story. It is all too stupid to even interact with. Interacting with it makes you stupider.

And as always, the Jews accuse others of doing exactly what they do. The Israelis were apparently harvesting people’s organs in Haiti after that earthquake in 2004.

And they are constantly accused by the Arabs of stealing people’s organs. A Swedish newspaper in 2009 did a major article on that that included far better sources than Gutmann’s bullshit fake news books.

And the Jews themselves admit that Israel is a “hub of organ trafficking.”

All of this Chinese atrocity lie propaganda is designed to make stupid goyim think that the Chinese are their enemy, as the Jews continue to ratchet up pressure on that dragon and panda-oriented state because they’re refusing to go along with the globalist program.

It’s just non-stop. Everything you read now is some kind of anti-China conspiracy theory. They’re getting as bad as the Russian ones. In fact, Russians never got accused of cutting out the organs of teenagers while they were still alive.

The Chinese are not your enemy.

The Russians are not your enemy.

The Jews are your enemy.