Christine Miller
Radical Press
January 2, 2015
Letter to the Marshfield School Board (December 10, 2014):
Several weeks ago while flipping through the TV channels I suddenly heard: Kill the Germans, kill the Germans, kill the Germans. It came from Wisconsin Public TV and was from a scene used as advertisement for the coming attraction “Escape from a Nazi death camp.” Lately I have noticed that Wisconsin Public TV is having more and more anti German programs. These programs are funded by foundations, most of them with Jewish names. It is a truism: Whose money I take whose song I sing. All the channels, but especially Wisconsin Public TV are singing a Jewish song and You, the members of the Marshfield School Board are merrily humming along.
Last year three candidates were running for election to the School Board: Amber Leifheit, Mark Konrardy and Jason Angell. A forum was held at the Senior High School. My question to the candidates was: In the Marshfield elementary school libraries are innumerable Holocaust books. These books contain faked pictures (a Nazi cutting off the beard of a rabbi ) and faked captions. I enclose the picture of the dead concentration camp inmates of Nordhausen.

This photo first appeared in Life magazine July 1945 and found its way into the book WWII which is in the elementary school libraries at Granton and Madison. Nordhausen was bombed by the USAF April 4, 1945. If you look closely at the photo you can make out the destroyed buildings in the background. The dead were not the victims of the Germans, but the Americans. My question was: Do you think it is appropriate for these books to stay in the elementary school libraries? Mr. Angell answer was: The books should stay. Ms. Leifheit seconded the answer. Mr. Konrardy equivocated.
Last year the school board eliminated the German language from it curriculum. The reason given was budgetary constraints, and since German had the lowest enrollment of the three languages being taught, Spanish, French and German, German had to go. If you put a sponge in the water and expect it not to get wet, you are stupid. If you expect kids to want to learn German with the continued anti German atrocity propaganda starting in our grade schools, then again, you are stupid.
1976 saw the first printing of Arthur Butz’s The Hoax of the Twentieth Century.

Hollywood sprang into action with damage control and made the TV series: The Holocaust. Do I guess right saying that you never read Butz’s book but were glued to the tube watching The Holocaust? Our youngest son was in third grade at that time. Every day for a week he came home crying, did not want to go to school anymore because he was mercilessly bullied. Kids knew he had a German born mother. Spare me therefore your anti bullying programs. They were not for my kids.
About a month ago I listen to Putin’s speech (on the Internet) which Putin gave to the German parliament. He gave it in accent free, perfect German. He stressed the close and beneficial cooperation between Russia and Germany through the centuries. He mentioned the fact that the first German unification (1871) was only possible with the good will of the czar. The second partial unification (1989) was the work of Gorby.
Remember back to 1962, or the beginning of l963. There were two space programs, the Vanguard, headed by an American Team and the Redstone program headed by Wernher von Braun. The Vanguard rockets fizzled. I still remember Kennedy appearing on TV accompanied by von Braun. Kennedy gave von Braun and his German team the go ahead.

After von Braun had died the Apollo program was headed by Arthur Rudolph, another of the German space scientists. The moon landing was successful. But now the Office of Special Investigation sprang into action. The OSI is a Jewish construct created to ferret out Nazis because Nazis are automatically considered “war criminals.” The OSI gave Rudolph a choice: Leave this country, or face a war crime trial. Rudolph left for Germany. A few years later he wanted to visit his daughter and his grandchildren in California. He applied for a visa: the visa was denied. The Russians also had “recruited” their contingent of German space scientists. After their job was done they were honored and dismissed with the good wishes of the Soviet government.
Right now horrible things are happening in Gaza. I can see the pale little faces of the dead Palestinian children.

They look so peaceful that I cannot feel sorry for them. But the mangled little bodies of the children still alive sear my memory. Are you looking?
I don’t think so. The cowards prefer to fight the real or perceived injustices of the past. Your memory is with the “Holocaust victims.” You pretend to be patriots. But you patriotism is a farce, for you are nothing more than Judea’s Willing Executioners.
Christine B. Miller
Marshfield, WI