Kim Says He Just Wants to be Friends, Trump Casually Apparently Reverses Meeting Cancelation

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 25, 2018

So after Trump announced the cancelation of the Korean peace summit yesterday with a weird letter that was obviously written by John Bolton, Kim came out with some nice statements.


The decision by US President Donald Trump to cancel the summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is “not in line with the world’s wishes,” the government in Pyongyang has announced.

Kim has made the “utmost efforts” to hold a summit with Trump, said the North Korean first vice minister for foreign affairs, Kim Kye-gwan, according to the state news agency KCNA. The meeting between two leaders was scheduled for June 12 in Singapore.

Pyongyang is “still willing to resolve issues with the United States,” the official said, holding onto the hope that the meeting could still be rescheduled.

“Our goal and will to do everything for peace and stability of the Korean peninsula and mankind remains unchanged, and we are always willing to give time and opportunity to the US side with an open mind,” Kim Kye-gwan said. “We reiterate to the US that there is a willingness to sit down at any time, in any way, to solve the problem.”

Kim has been acting completely gentlemanly for weeks – as has Trump.

Then Bonkers Bolton came out with a thinly veiled threat to do what was done to Gaddafi to him.

Then the US started doing military drills in South Korea – while Kim was in the middle of freeing hostages and dismantling nuclear test sites as gestures of good faith!

AND THEN Mike Pence came out and literally threatened that they are going to do what they did to Gaddafi on him (not even veiled).

Bolton implied that he was using “the Libya model” to refer to the way Libya surrendered his entire nuclear program in exchange for sanctions being lifted rather than the bombing and lynching, but Pence said straight up that the conflict will “end like the Libya model ended,” clarifying earlier Bolton’s statement.

Then Kim responded – in a totally justified way – with anger, calling Pence a “dummy,” and Trump said he was making threats and blamed everything on him and canceled the summit.

So, apparently in response to Kim making him look like a complete asshole – I’m sure Bolton told him if he canceled the summit Kim would react in an irate manner and thus justify the cancelation, because Bolton isn’t simply an unhinged kikesucker lunatic but also very stupid – Trump came out this morning and was like “oh well, maybe we will just do the summit as planned.”

I think he was also responding to public outrage over the move yesterday, where everyone was just like “what the fuck is this shit? why just why?”

He Tweeted in response to Kim this morning.

Then he made statements outside the White House – he said maybe we’ll just go ahead and do it as planned!


President Donald Trump signaled Friday that U.S. and North Korean officials have reengaged in talks, praising their latest statement expressing a willingness to reenter discussions “at any time, at any format” just a day after he canceled the historic summit with their leader, Kim Jong Un.

“We’re going to see what happens. We’re talking to them now,” Trump said when asked by reporters outside the White House if the meeting with Kim is still on. “It was a very nice statement they put out. We’ll see what happens.”

The president also suggested that a summit could still occur on June 12, as previously scheduled. “It could even be the twelfth,” he said.

He was asked by some reporter named John if Kim is playing games and he answered “John, everybody plays games, you know that, you know that better than anybody.”

So is that intended to be an implication that Trump is also playing a game? 

Who knows – maybe it’s all “Art of the Deal.”

But I read Art of the Deal back when Trump announced, and I don’t remember anything about threatening to bomb people and have them lynched and sodomized with a sword.

Bolton and Pence saying that shit was definitely NOT Art of the Deal. And I am certain that they acted without Trump’s knowledge in doing this.

If you’re not a bitch, Trump, fire Bolton.

And see if there isn’t some way you can fire Pence too. Replace him with Pat Buchanan. I’m not old enough yet, or I’d volunteer. But you need some assassination protection here buddy, because your VP is now aggressively working against you, apparently as a part of a backroom deal with this Bolton lunatic.

Here they are with the kike Mnuchin – who just fucked up your China trade deal, presumably also on purpose.

Have you ever seen a more unsavory band of miscreants? 

Check this picture.

They’ve got “guilty” written all over their faces.

You know, this is an historical trope – the king surrounds himself with ambitious, amoral, power-hungry madmen who plot behind his back – while being very close to his back – to overthrow him. It happened at least as often as not in history. And constantly in Shakespeare.

And it’s in Game of Thrones – if you don’t have time to read history or Shakespeare, turn off the Gorilla Channel and get Barron to Torrent the first season of that for you.

The obvious thing that is going on is that there is a plan to replace Trump with Pence who will bring in all of Bolton’s buddies and just go nuts – and that Pence is in on it.

Every single person who voted for you wants to see you succeed, Trump. And the people who didn’t vote for you – except the Jews and immigrants – will be happy when you do.

Internationally, people who support the continued existence of Western Civilization are rooting for you.

Think about what the hell you’re doing here, big guy.

You can start a Committee of Unamerican activities, you can dissolve Congress and declare martial law – you can do whatever you want and THE PEOPLE will support you IF YOU SUPPORT THEM.

That was the deal, Mr. President.

We signed a contract.