Kim Sends Top Guy to US Ahead of Singapore Summit

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 29, 2018

So Bonkers Bolton hasn’t been fired yet, but I guess we’re going ahead with this now.

Look for Bolton – and his new matey Mike Pence – to step in and try to stop the peace process again.


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has dispatched one of his top aides to New York for talks ahead of his planned summit with Donald Trump next month, the U.S. president said on Twitter.

“Meetings are currently taking place concerning Summit, and more,” Trump said in a Twitter posting that misspelled the envoy’s name. “Kim Young Chol, the Vice Chairman of North Korea, heading now to New York. Solid response to my letter, thank you!”

He didn’t “misspell” his name, Jews.

This is his name: 김영철

Any writing of that name in English is going to be an attempt to use Latin characters to phonetically represent the sounds as closely as possible – and the traditional Romanization of “김영철” was “Kim Yeong-cheol.”

Alternately, it has been spelled “Gim Yeong-cheol,” due to the fact that neither the “k” or “g” sound truthfully represents the Korean sound the Romanization is attempting to represent.

If you check the Wikipedia page for people will this Korean given name, “Young Chol,” the spelling the President used, is used interchangeably.

There is no “correct” spelling here.

But what a petty gotcha.

This is why no one reads the fake news anymore – you’re a bunch of petty kikes.

Kim Yong Chol, North Korea’s former spy chief, would become the highest-ranking official from the isolated nation to visit the U.S. since 2000, when Pyongyang sent Vice Marshal Jo Myong Rok to meet then-President Bill Clinton. Yonhap News Agency reported Kim Yong Chol will meet U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, with whom he dined in Pyongyang earlier this month.

The veteran official’s trip is another sign that preparations for the on-again, off-again June 12 meeting in Singapore are moving forward. Just three days after Trump abruptly called off the unprecedented meeting in a letter to the North Korean leader, the president appeared to confirm the talks were back on.

Kim Yong Chol accompanied Kim Jong Un at all of his recent meetings with both Chinese President Xi Jinping and South Korean President Moon Jae-in, according to North Korean state-media reports. South Korea said Tuesday it wasn’t aware of the trip by Kim Yong Chol, who is vice chairman of North Korea’s ruling Workers’ Party Central Committee. He’s set to land in New York on Wednesday on a flight from Beijing, Yonhap said.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters in Beijing that she has no information on Kim Yong Chol’s visit.

So, surprise visit by top guy – looks good.

Things appear to be back on track… but the Bolton sabotage happened quickly.

Trump should have not only fired him, but had him arrested and charged with treason for attempting to interfere with foreign peace negotiations with an intent to create a war.

The King has surrounded himself with all of these poisonous people.

Draining his lifeblood, steering him in all of these different Jewish directions.

Before he can even begin to navigate the world, he has to navigate all of these enemies in his own office.

It’s a dangerous game.