Kimmel Tries to Drive Wedge in Kanye-Trump Axis of Friendship

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 11, 2018

Jimmy has a name that is just made for late night TV. It sounds so innocuous and safe. Like a kimmel of corn. Kind of, vaguely, reassuringly American as well. Two extended “ehm” sounds. That calms us down. It’s one of the first sounds that we make as children. Just naturally. Like “mama.”

Jimmmmmmy Kimmmmmel.

He’s also got this soft…not ugly…but completely, almost aggressively normal face

And there’s some alliteration at work there too. It just rolls off the tongue. The “ihm” sound twice as well. I have a sneaking suspicion that they pick these late night people based on how snazzy their names sound…but I’ll leave that for another time.

Let’s talk about Kanye.


When Jimmy Kimmel invited Kanye West onto his show, a hot debate between the celebrities was somewhat expected, given their completely opposite and outspoken political views. However, it was awkward silence that stole the show.

The tone of Kanye’s interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live! was pretty serious from the get-go, with the musician delivering a monologue on the topics of “simulation” and love, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Kanye also talked about his approval of Trump, but Kimmel didn’t press hard on him until the end of the interview, which lasted more than 11 minutes.

“There are families being torn apart at the border of this country, there are literally families being torn apart as a result of what this president is doing, and I think we can’t forget that. Whether we like his personality or not, his actions are what matter,” the late-night talk show host said.

But that wasn’t all he had to say. “You’ve so famously and so powerfully said George Bush doesn’t care about black people. It makes me wonder what makes you think that Donald Trump does, or any people at all,” he said, prompting a rather awkward moment.

Lost for a response, Kanye sat silently with his arms crossed, pondering a response that never came.

“Why don’t we take a break, we’ll come back,” Kimmel said, lightening the mood and prompting laughter from both the audience and Kanye. 

I don’t know anything about Kanye other than he strikes me as being rather goofy.

But his love for Trump does not seem feigned.

I think this is because Kanye correctly percieves Trump as being an outsider and a talented genius, being mocked by people who do not understand/appreciate his talents. In other words, he’s probably projecting himself on Trump, even though this is just his vision of himself, I do not think he’s all that, because I’ve only heard two of his songs in my life, “Stronger” and the one where he sings about golddiggers and broke niggers, so not really in the same league as Trump, just saying.

Also, I don’t listen to satanic shit like rap as a matter of principle, so there’s that at play too.

But the Nigger-Nazi Alliance – as it has been dubbed by the media – is indeed a rising phenomenon.

No caption needed for this pic.

However, Kimmel is trying to break up this brotherhood based on convenience and misunderstanding by playing the Wetback Card, adding a splash of yet more absurd into the mix as we and the niggers are supposed to pretend that either of us care about Mexicans and Trump deporting them and their little beanlet children.

I think the absurdness of asking a black man to shed a tear for a Mexican being deported really floored Kanye. That’s why he just couldn’t answer immediately.

The nigger track that loops in all niggers’ brains…you know the one…

…on a vinyl record day in and day out, everyday…well it flew out of its groove, with one of those funny scratch-whir sounds…and then we had total silence…and then a commercial break.

That’s all that happened, Kimmel.

You ain’t breaking up the Nigger-Nazi Alliance that easily.