Kind-Hearted White Woman Pays for Diapers Young Mother Can’t Afford

Saboteur 365
July 4, 2014

Katie Kanefke–stay-at-home mom; husband David works; most likely a working class family.

Above you will see a voiceover report and animated sequence showing what happens in the viral video. Very cool animation. Deserves lots of views.

Below is the full original viral video, without editing and voiceover. It’s hard to tell what’s happening in that original version.

Carol Flynn, age 73–whipped out her credit card to buy diapers for another woman.

Both ladies are saboteurs. The young mom for having a beautiful baby, thus defying the New World Order depopulation agenda. The second is an angel disguised as a saboteur, acting with kindness toward a stranger.

In spite of the effort by the power elites to turn us into low-level members of the Satanic selfishness cult, the good folks are winning. Keep it up, America.