Knockout: 3 Black Punks Arrested for Unprovoked Beating of 52-Year-Old White Woman

Daily Stormer
March 19, 2014

A response to the ‘Knockout’ game.

The ‘knockout’ game really does show the difference in character between the White and the Black races.

No White man would think it clever or courageous for someone to beat up on someone weaker than them, from behind.

Yet for Blacks, it seems the weaker the victim the more it encourages them.

Three of them joined together to gang up on this unfortunate victim.

Wilfredo Torres
Wilfredo Torres with 2 others attacked the 52-year-old woman without stealing anything from her. Police don’t seem to think it was a ‘knockout’ attack though.

From NY Post:

A teen wearing a T-shirt showing boxing great Muhammad Ali standing over a fallen opponent was one of three punks arraigned on assault charges Tuesday for an unprovoked beating of a 52-year-old woman on Long Island, authorities said.

The shirt worn by Wilfredo Torres, 17, of Sherman Street in Brentwood also bore the words “i am the greatest” beneath the photo of the glowering champ.

Torres along with 16-year-olds Wayne Beavers of 20th Avenue and Qwatese Jarvis of East Forks Road, both of Bayshore, were busted Monday for the cowardly attack.

Suffolk police Lt. Patrick Reilly said the trio was identified from surveillance video taken nearby.

“We have some indication it may have been a case of mistaken identity,” Reilly said when asked if the beating as a “Knockout” game-style attack.

Suffolk cops said the victim was walking along MacArdle Avenue in Brentwood about 3 p.m. March 7 when the trio punched her in the head, knocking her to the ground.

They then kicked her in the stomach — but did not steal anything from her, police said.

The woman was transported to Southside Hospital, where she was treated for a concussion and broken ribs.

The three were charged with third-degree assault and were held overnight by Suffolk cops pending their arraignments Tuesday at First District Court in Central Islip.