Kookspiracy: Mueller will Allegedly ARREST Someone for Something

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 28, 2017

Very strange that these people are getting ready to bring charges just as the whole thing is collapsing. Unless Hillary is the person they’re planning to charge.

Mueller is facing calls to recuse over conflicts of interest, and the fact of the fake #Pissgate dossier means that the entire basis of his counsel is fraudulent.

You wouldn’t think they would want to keep this particular thing in the media spotlight right now.

Fox News:

The first charges have been filed in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, reports said Friday evening.

At least one person could be taken into custody as early as Monday, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing unnamed sources.

It wasn’t immediately clear who could be charged or for what.

Richard Hibey, attorney for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, told Fox News that neither he nor any of his colleagues representing Manafort had been informed of any indictment of their client.

Manafort has been the subject of a longstanding investigation due to his dealings in Ukraine several years ago – for which he didn’t file as a foreign agent until June 2017. Manafort had his house raided by FBI agents earlier this summer and was reportedly wiretapped by investigators – before and after the election.

Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is another possible target of the probe.

A retired Army lieutenant general, Flynn served as a Trump surrogate during the campaign and briefly served as national security adviser before being fired over his conversations with Sergey Kislyak, who was Russia’s ambassador to the United States.

Mueller has reportedly probed whether Flynn was involved in a private effort to get former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s emails from Russian hackers.

If this isn’t fake news (WSJ tends to be less fake newsy than NYT/WaPo, but still lies about everything and just makes things up), then this is probably good for us.

Instead of backing down, they are escalating. Escalations have thus far always been good for Donald Trump.